> OK JP, I took a look at www.cryptocard.com, and this looks truly awesome.
> This would give me enough security to access a fairly valuable account
> a point-of-sale computer, wouldn't you think?  Maybe even from an internet
> cafe!  (Not that I'd want to push my luck or anything.)
> Does anyone know of any plans by e-gold or GoldMoney to support cryptocard
> authenication?

Absolutely great idea! With a crypto-card, you don't have to worry about
losing your password, or inadvertently entering it on the wrong website, and
it doesn't require any new hardware. If you have the card, you can access
the website; and if you lose the card, the DGC company still has your
contact information, and can send you another one. If it gets lost in the
mail -- no big deal because no one who gets it will have your password, and
both should be required to log-in.


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