I believe that the amount of gold and silver available depends strictly on
the price. At the moment many gold and silver mines are shut down because of
the low price of these metals. A number of other processes that are able to
recover gold from say seawater are at this time too expensive to bother
with. Given a true free market in gold and other precious metals, Prices
would quickly stabilize at a level that would enable the mine owners a
profit on formerly unprofitable mines. Also with a true bimetal, or even
trimetal standard ,using copper as was used previously, plus the ware house
receipts for large transactions, The world wide economy would soon begin a
rate of growth unseen in the last 100 years. This would be accompanied with
falling prices such as have been seen previously in the computer market.
Even with initial high demand for previously expensive goods, prices should
continue to gradually fall for say a century or two. This would also
ofcourse have to include the collapse of most governments to prevent both
misdirected investments and inflations. If e-gold style commerce were added
to the equation the results would be amazing.

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