Patrick Chkoreff wrote:
> 7.  I believe that neither e-gold, Ltd. nor the E-Gold Special Purpose Trust
> will issue a full accounting of the extra gold.  To be more specific, by
> midnight GMT of 06-Jun-2003, there will still be no answer.  If I am wrong,
> I will pay 10 gg to Jim Ray's personal account.  Consider that a bribe.

Not that I mind this (excellent) idea of paying Jim Ray
to do absolutely nothing, but why am I being mentioned?

I barely ever may have known anything about the numbers
involved in this debate, and I recall thinking "that's
nice," and forgetting why this or that balance did not
match up perfectly. If it's numbers, I'm not the guy to
ask! I like the new Examiner, I think it's cool to know
about all the bars, but I doubt I'll look at it all that
much in a few months. Stats is more interesting to me!
That's all I want to say!!

You folks talk and talk about this issue, and meanwhile
all sorts of interesting things (like that Planetgold
interview with Mr. Fedotov of Webmoney!) go un-noted. I
think it's a bit odd, but that's the way of email lists
I guess...

PS No shocker that Snowdog noticed Examiner first! ;)

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