I thought this might be beneficial to some on this list, esp. given 
the way the stockmarket is heading. It is from the redoubtable 


by Sherman H. Skolnick 12/29/01

Some people are just busy with their personal lives. So all they know 
about the world is what they ingest from the oil-soaked, spy-riddled 
monopoly press. If it is not mentioned there, well, it did not 
happen. And common Americans, occupied with their personal circles, 
often do not make time to sit and listen to their elders. Some rather 
ship their elders into expensive warehouses called nursing homes. 
[The nursing home rackets are a story for another time.] 

So the wisdom to be learned from past generations and their mistakes 
falls into the black hole of the unknown. 

Here is a list of what ordinary people should have learned but often 
have not. Such as the blunders of the 1920s and 1930s 

SUCKER TRAP NUMBER ONE "Business cycles have been abolished". Oh 
yeah? By whom and when and how? "Prosperity is just around the 
corner". Slogans like that were mouthed off by President Herbert 
Hoover. Not surprisingly nowadays, some mistake that name for the 
infamous FBI Dictator. 

A possibility that we are NOT facing a "great prosperity" returned, 
is sent off to be studied by a "Presidential Commission". Their 
report, if any, if ever, is filed in Never-Never land. 

SUCKER TRAP NUMBER TWO Invest in the "Great American Dream". Yes, if 
you are young, and somehow survived a world war just ended, and was 
not shot or bombed to pieces, you can rightfully buy stock in 
American big business and expect a period of prosperity. Many born 
into the tail-end of business cycles, however, refuse to realize 
their position in time and place. Endlessly mouthing off "now is my 
time" may avail you nothing. 

Do not expect the newsfakers to set you wise. Well-oiled press whores 
are not about to risk their jobs to bring you harsh reality. They 
write and speak on-air what they understand the presslords want said. 
Contradictions are not specified clearly. The ultra-rich want to even 
further enrich themselves by having as many Americans as possible 
paid only minimum wage or just above that. "We have to be productive 
and competitive". At the same time, they are flooding the nation with 
non-citizens who do not protest being paid, under the table, LESS 
than minimum wages. 

What we call "the liars and whores of the press" have advertisers 
urging us to buy fifteen and twenty thousand dollar cars. What? To be 
paid with cheap wages? 

Some grow up never having read Ferdinand Lundberg's great work, "The 
Rich and the Super-Rich" (Lyle Stuart publishers, 1968, still more or 
less available hardcover and paperback). Lundberg points out the 
ultra rich are often just plain stupid. Certainly with a lot less 
sense than the average working person. The very rich are forever 
beating down the common people who sooner or later, as Lundberg 
shows, rise up and smash their tormentors. 

One reason there was no revolution in the Great Depression of the 
1930s, was the great number of newly arrived immigrants. They were 
quite satisfied to be in America, even to sleep under bridges when it 
rains. Better than elsewhere. Will common Americans, moreso born here 
not elsewhere, now act also somewhat subdued in the face of 
adversity? Of course, there were labor riots in the 1930s, beaten 
down by goons from General Motors and hired thugs of Ford Motor 
Company. [The unemployment and food riots in Argentina, December, 
2001. Can THAT also happen here?] 

SUCKER TRAP NUMBER THREE "Interest rates are reasonable. So now is 
the time to suck the equity out of your house". That is, pile up on 
yourself more mortgages? 

The so-called mortgage peddlers have multiplied like a swarm of 
locusts, to eat out our substance. Basically, they are urging 
ordinary Americans to wreck themselves. 

With a recession belatedly officially proclaimed and an apparent new 
Great Depression again looming, it is a time not to pull a wagon of 
rocks. Too many ordinary Americans find their wagons so heavy, it 
requires two horses, both husband and wife working. And everyone over 
the age of ten should be working not schooling? Hey, have we all 
forgotten the terrible struggles of bygone years to stop mis-using 
Child Labor? Have corrupt public officials stopped enforcing Child 
Labor Laws put on the statute books after great turmoil and 

If you do not comprehend what is here being said, well, spend time at 
a unit of McDonald's Hamburgers. The Child Labor rushes around 
polishing doorknobs and such. And, often they work after closing 
hours, not paid for that, while cleaning up the fake milk-shake 
equipment. McDonald's seems to encourage their Child Labor to be 
illiterate. Cash registers have pictures, not numbers. 

In plain talk, it should be a time of no mortgages, no credit cards, 
no vast installment payments. And Child Labor should be wide-awake in 
school being educated, not sleepy-eyed, with no time for homework, 
not used at cheap wages to enrich fast food giants. 

Late night COMMERCIAL television is laughable. There is an ad 
basically telling you that even deadbeats will be given credit to a 
buy a car. A moment later, your local bankruptcy lawyer (or liar?) is 
announcing he is available to save you. Oh yeah? As we have pointed 
out on our website and on our NON-COMMERCIAL television programs 
(public access Cable TV), the bankruptcy courts too often are a giant 
fraud, seizing for the vultures of the local "Bankruptcy Club" what 
is left of the property and assets of the sick and the unemployed. 

Do the monopoly press ever tell you HOW to protect your hind-quarter? 

SUCKER TRAP NUMBER FOUR "I do not have to worry about my stockbroker. 
After all, they are insured by the Government". Really? If your 
broker goes under in a crash or scandal, your account in the meantime 
is frozen. Your "great long-term investment" may melt to almost 
nothing while you are powerless and forbidden to do anything about 
it. And, are there adequate reserve funds in the 
supposed "government" set up insurance fund? Really? Not everyone 
thinks so. 

If you really understand finance, ask your broker a forbidden 
question "What if the Clearing House itself goes down?" The reply may 
be, "Stop asking. That cannot happen". Well, in 1984, when 
Continental Bank of Chicago collapsed, a Clearing House came within a 
hair of going down as well. [I had the distinction of accurately 
predicting the downfall of Continental Bank, a major owner of which 
was the highly corrupt Chief Judge of the Federal Appeals Court in 
Chicago, 7th Circuit. I was a few months ahead of my time, and some 
in key places enjoyed a brief period of calling me a "liar". Later 
did they eat their words?] 

Also, the regulations of insurance for failing and failed brokers are 
riddled with traps and loop-holes. Such as, your stock was bought 
through ANOTHER firm which is actually holding the shares. Hence, 
YOUR broker is not responsible. 

More sucker traps identified. Stay tuned. 


Since 1958, Mr.Skolnick has been a court reformer. Since 1963, 
founder/chairman, Citizen's Committee to Clean Up the Courts, 
disclosing certain instances of judicial and other bribery and 
political murders. Since 1991 a regular panelist, and since 1995, 
moderator/producer, of one-hour,weekly public access Cable TV 
Show, "Broadsides", Cablecast on Channel 21, 9 p.m. each Monday in 
Chicago. For a heavy packet of printed stories, send $5.00 [U.S. 
funds] and a stamped, self-addressed business sized envelope [4-1/4 x 
9-1/2 #10 size] WITH THREE STAMPS ON IT, to Citizen's Committee to 
Clean Up the Courts, Sherman H. Skolnick, Chairman, 9800 South 
Oglesby Ave., Chicago IL 60617-4870. Office, 7 days, 8 a.m. to 
midnight, (773) 375-5741 [PLEASE, no "just routine calls]. Before 
sending FAX, call. 

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