Ian Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> David, I think there are more costs than just the coding, like the ongoing 
> server load and bandwidth usage. So it is stretching it a little to suggest 
> it is simply a matter of spending USD$100.

Fair enough.  Our primary outbound mail server for Freedback.com
sends 30k mail/day, which is about the right order of magnitude to
current e-gold use.  (I can't tell precisely, since stats.html appears down.)
That server hums along at a comfortable load of 0.4, using bandwidth
consistantly at 100kbps in each direction.  So, it's more like $100/mo.

> Also, anyone can use these other free services already to achieve e-mail 
> notification, but if I am not wrong you suggested that ALL the details be 
> e-mailed by default ALL the time. I don't know about you, but I believe 
> that many users would consider that to be a very real security concern. If 
> the security aspects were to be dealt with, and the possibility of other 
> e-mails impersonating e-gold transaction reports, then we would be back at 
> the position of having a service that only a subset of (technically savvy) 
> users would be able to implement, that is, via the e-gold Shopping Cart 
> Interface (SCI).
> Whether you have an e-mail that suggests a transaction has been made or 
> not, you still need to verify for yourself that you really have received 
> the funds. Until encryption and authentication issues can be dealt with, an 
> e-mailed transaction report may be a useful prompt, but it cannot be relied 
> upon. Better that it contained no details!

That's reasonable.  What if we agreed that the default would be the simple 
notification prompt, with no details.  (Even just that would help address most 
of my original concerns.)  Each user would then have the option of turning 
these off, or turning on full details.

-- David Beroff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   Founder/CEO, LeadFactory.com
P.O. Box 234, Jenkintown, PA 19046-0234 (USA)   http://LeadFactory.com
Voice: +1 (215) 576-6800   Fax: +1 (215) 576-6853   ICQ: 3652887
Toll-free: 1.800.668.3163   Home page: http://David.Beroff.com

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