Music for the new Millenium.
Read to you by the storyteller at your very own public library.

 "Yes, Grandson", I said to the small person sitting on my knee, 
"There was a time when you could logon and discuss how Gold and 
Silver money would help the world become a better place. 
Of course,  that was before the copyright wars."

 "It started as a simple discussion, with a few of the enlightened 
people offering their thoughts on theft and who was more important, 
the musician or the publishing company.  You would laugh at some of 
the silly notions they had about music back then."

 "But Grampa", said my grandson, "Didn't everyone know who should 
make the music?"

 "Sure they did Grandson, but that was before we had music police 
to prevent bad vibes from harshening our mellow.  Nowadays, nobody 
has to worry about the wrong kind of music being played."

 "Of course we still hear stories about free music being played 
late at night, in the abandoned recording studios, but those are 
just to scare rebellious teenagers.  You know the kind I'm talking 
about.  They refuse to get up and listen when the Musicmobiles play 
the national anthem every morning and they only buy the three 
recording minimum required by law.  Why, some of them even refuse 
to pay the fines for not returning the music when it expires."

 "But Grampa, don't you have a big stack of CD's hidden right here 
in the basement?  I saw you down here just last night, wearing 
headphones. Our teacher says headphones ought to be illegal, 'cause 
nobody can tell what kind of music you're hearing."

 "Shhh Grandson, those CD's will be yours someday, along with my 
boxes of Gold and Silver coins buried under the floorboards.  Now 
you remember, Never tell anyone that you've heard the music and for 
God's sake, don't ever whistle where anyone can hear you."

"Yes Grampa, I promise."

 "That's a good boy, now go upstairs with your parents and listen 
to the Chairman on the 3D, he wants us all to hear him play "Hail 
to the Chief" on his harmonica tonight.  Remember to clap real 
loud so the neighbors will know we are listing too.  Here's a 
golden dollar to turn on the 3D set, wash your hands after you use 

 "Thank you Grampa" he said, running upstairs as I sat back, put on 
the headphones and prepared to count my Maples to the illegal sound 
of Eric Clapton...
Next week, We'll be reading to you from the collected works of the 
Beatles and Janis Joplin.  Sorry, no recordings will be available 
due to the copyright suit against the Library.  Thank you for 
supporting your public library.

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