At 8:13 PM +0200 11/19/02, Danny Van den Berghe wrote:
>Can you please tell me what's the catch here?
>Where is this easy 20% on my money going to come from?
>Is this a good old Ponzi , or what?
>Sorry, but this kind of easy money proposals makes me very suspicious....

Actually, it's not a Ponzi - IMO it's a case of chutzpah (but
the "good" kind, a-la J.S.G. Boggs) working. Silver, at the
moment, sells for less than five bucks an ounce, and the
key is that Bernard has unilaterally declared an ounce of
silver = $10 of his bucks (which Bernard spends at face! 
(in fact, I witnessed an exchange between him & Boggs,
and I'd love to have that Boggs $100 & the Norfed ALCs
that formed the transaction!). Bernard's coins are pretty
and shiny and people can touch them, so they're popular,
and now Bernard's doing an electronic currency I guess,
but presumably as long as silver's less than five bucks
per ounce and they're selling it for ten! there's room for
a 20% profit (or else I'm getting the math wrong!). IMO,
all this points out what an incredibly-good deal e-silver
is, even with the larger-than-gold mark-up it gets. :^)

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