At 06:46 PM 11/18/2002 -0600, Cassandra wrote:
I live in Central America and am considering starting a web-hosting
business here.  This message is a "feeler" to see if there is interest
in this group.  Yes, of course, we would accept payment in e-gold.
^_^   The 2nd question, if you would be interested in Central
American hosting, is would you be willing to pay more for hosting
here than what it costs for hosting in the US?
To get good answers, you probably need to be more specific re what the parameters of the service are, e.g. -

What sort of content can be hosted? Porn? Gambling? Nazi? Commercial things advertised with spam?
HYIP/Ponzi schemes? Fraud sites which collect access information by pretending to be other sites?
Can your customers send or relay spam from your server(s)?

How [non] responsive will you be if you're contacted by complainers, police, lawyers, or courts? From
other jurisdictions? From your jurisdiction? Do you have assets in popular forum jurisdictions (like the
US, France, or Germany) which will make you sensitive to court action in those jurisdictions?

Who are your upstream connectivity providers, and what are their answers to those questions?

What sort of bandwidth, latency, and uptime guarantees are you willing to provide?

What hardware and software platform(s) are you using for hosting, and what is the reputation and
experience of the people who are responsible for technical operations and security?

What kind of access to the underlying system do your customers get? cgi-bin access? MySQL?
PHP, Perl, Python, ASP? sendmail?

Are you willing/able to host colocated boxes?

Greg Broiles -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- PGP 0x26E4488c or 0x94245961

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