
This sort of problem can be completely avoided with the following

Once you are notified that the funds have been sent to you by WU, you
leave them there and ask the sender for ID.

If the sender provides the correct ID then you collect the $$ and make the
spend to their e-gold acount.

If for some reason they have already reversed the transaction and you
can't collect it then you don't make the spend and you aren't out a dime.

If they do not provide ID and they are the real sender then they will be
able to collect their own WU send less any WU fees with little hassle.

If they do not provide ID and they are a scammer then they can't collect
the money and neither should you.  Notify the real sender that they have
been scammed and that they should colect the WU funds -- do this through
WU if you don't have enough of their real details to track them down.

As far as I can tell this simple procedure is fool proof, if it isn't
please discuss it here, I'd love to know how it isn't as this is the
procedure we've been using for years with a 100% success rate.

David Gendron
US Bank Accounts for the World

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