Look at the same graph this way :

That big gap will have to be filled...

Prices have now retraced 78% of the Dec. 2, Feb.5th (Intraday)

Also, you definitely don't have the right Exchange Provider !

I'm not sure if you realize, my company owned Coconutgold, the only, I suppose still, titular wholesale gold sellor to MMs other than Omnipay. We later sold it to GoldMoney (the DGC). I am bum-buddies with James, Eric, Paul, Jim etc and other large exchangors. My nephew-in-law owns sydneygoldsales.com. Hence I don't have trouble selling gold, thank god. I was selling a miniscule amount of metal to one of the small MMs I hadn't tried before who's a nice guy, it didn't work out.

Yesterday, most exchange providers were looking for e-gold...

We, at AnyGoldNow.com sure would have had a Bank wire paid to your
account same day, for the dollar value of your spend, at the time you
made it...

that's great - I hope business is good.

That's the atitiude more MMs need. Take deals and process 'em!

You should say that loud and often.

What's the dollar limit on what you can apply that exact offer to PH, 20 grand, 100 grand, 250 grand?

Here's an intriguing fact (You'll love this Jim Ray!) -- Other than Omnipay there is not one MM who has not at some point turned me down on an exchange!

It's a tough business, alright...


Any Gold, Any time, Anywhere


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