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I have logs of 170,932 hands.

I only wagered the minimum (0.05 grams) to reduce the risk of
loosing money, so
the total wager was 8,546.60 grams (yes, thats over 8.5 kilo) and total
winnings were 76.75 grams.

that is great stuff!

  The total advantage was thus only 0.9%, so I was a
bit unlucky, but statistically that is possible.

Only one daily finalist so far./\...

That is bad luck you just got the 1x daily so far. Good luck on the gold BAR.

It's a java application. Perl is ugly ;) *ducks*

Perl is ugly! Pity Java doesn't work!

So what do you think of my proposal, I will give you my TG account
username & pass, you run the bot for me for let us say 100,000 hands.
I will pay you the 5 grams you mentioned.  The loss or gain is mine!

It would be too much effort to get your system running elsewhere -
and why duplicate the work??

What do you say?!

what a smelly
Hmm... what's so smelly about my name? ;)

totally unrelated -- my email signature, sorry.

Thanks, JP
a chubby --

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