Hey Guys and Gal's,

Since we're on the topic of VoIP I'll introduce you to
http://valis.calltheplanet.com.  I currently use this service and the
quality is the same or better than my land line (in Canada) which is
saying a lot.  Canada-USA is virtually perfect using landline but when
talking to other courntries there is often degredation due to different
qualities on the throughput, well, using the VoIP box only the last mile
is landline so the quality to these places tends to be better than if you
weren't using the box.

The best news is that they do accept e-gold.  That's the only way I pay
for the service.

Thank you,
David Gendron, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
VALIS International, http://www2.valisinternational.com
US Bank Accounts and US Business Presence 
Setup for the World

How about a 

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