I think I will need everyone's help here.

6 days ago I made a funding order with GoldAge, then made cash deposit to their bank 
account at Bank of America. I thought the fees were good, but never expected they will 
act worse than the worst scumbags. Before sending the money to GoldAge account, Ragnar 
(President of GoldAge I guess) was very nice to me, replying to all my questions. Once 
I sent him the confirmation that I deposited the money, he did not reply to any e-mail 
anymore, and when I call the number listed in Contact us section on www.goldage.net 
website (which is a mobile phone, by the way), he keeps rejecting my phone calls. 

This is worse than I could ever imagine a company can act. I heard only good things 
about them in the last 2 weeks since I have e-gold account, but now I read the e-gold 
mailing list archives and I see there are at least 6 other persons that GoldAge ripped 
off. Also they have 3 unanswered complaints with Better Business Bureau.

I do not know what to do anymore, I will talk to my attorney. I want to track down 
Ragnar and GoldAge and sue them, they think they can get away with straight-down 

What are your opinions... please don't tell me Told You So, you should have read the 
e-gold-list archives and staied away from those thiefs...

Thank you
Warm regards
Patrik Veerber

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