> I still think e-wine (properly storing good reds) would be better.
> Think about the joy of redemption! :) A bottle or case of wine is
> exactly the right density, and with proper storage, packaging,
> and shipping you'd have an amazing product which might start
> out as a "gift-currency" and end up as a "real" currency of sorts.

Yes, wine is certainly different from other commodities because it becomes
more valuable with age (although only 1% of the wine has that property),
while a certain bottle of wine also becomes scarcer with age because it is
The big disadvantage of wine is rather high storage costs, but that is
easily offset by the rapidly rising price.

A little search on the net brought me to this Cayman based wine fund:
which seems to have most of the ingredients in place for 'e-wine'

You can even personally go pick up a few botlles of your wine in a storage
place in Brittain, which saves you the sending costs.
And you can also bail in bottles of (good) wine.

Now, all they need is jpm's software to run an e-currency on it.

Hey jpm
You have a huge untapped market with this DGC software of yours..
Perhaps some (not so) crazy Dutch will create 'e-weed' based on the market
prices for soft drugs in Holland, and redeemable for the real stuff when you
visit Amsterdam.
I guess many people would think it cool to own and pay with drugs without
risking to go to jail in their country.
While in Amsterdam, many people will probably want to redeem some of their
'e-fuck' as well.
Aha, since the future delivery of a service has value, this is just as
viable a backing for a currency.
The basic unit could be a standard one hour 'session' with gorgeous Gloria..
Your wife won't find it in your pockets, just like she needn't know about
your e-gold account.
And she won't see this strange bill on your creditcard statement at the end
of the month either. Good idea, hmmm..
Would 'e-fuck' be accepted? Why not?
Online sex sites may see it as the perfect currency for their business.
People like crazy things...
And 'e-fuck' rhymes well with 'e-buck' (don't rush for all these domain
names, they are probably taken anyway..)

Just remember to send me some e-wine if this idea catches on and you sell
lots of software, I don't smoke and I am still lucky enough to get sex free
of charge :-)
Btw, what is the price for this DGC software?

Did it also occur to anyone, that e-wine or e-land, since they have a listed
and continuously recalculated price for a share in the fund, only need the
cooperation of a market maker to make them outexchangeable in gold.
The e-wine or e-land is sold for its dollar market value, and these dollars
are immediately used to buy e-gold.


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