> I think it would be great, as Danny says, to have an "e-land" currency.
> Observably, this could be done.
> Would it be a success?  Who knows, but it would be great to have a go.
> The various points people have made (including me) about why land is
> not suitable as a Money are all very well.  But that's a theory,
> observation would be the final test!

Yes, that's a healthy approach..

When the first pioneers tried to make an airplane fly, everybody around them
was predicting that it could never work.
Fortunately they did not listen and continued trying despite many failed

It's always the same thing.
Negative people will point to the failed attempts and previous problems as
proofs that the idea is not good.
Positive people will learn from the problems and improve the idea till it

In that sense I don't agree with the idea of a 'final test'
You could try 'e-land' and it may fail, still it will not prove that the
idea is bad.
If a good idea is introduced before its time has come, it usually fails too,
because people are not ready for it.

I am sure that when e-gold started out, it was the same thing: people coming
up will all kind of realistic and not so realistic objections to the idea.
There is nothing wrong with criticising new ideas, in fact it is very
necessary to 'sharpen' the idea.
But a healthy criticism by a positive person will also be able to see the
good things in the idea.
Land is a productive asset. Period.

The negative person will only focus on the disadvantages and the failures,
and even the most remote possibilities like nuclear bombs blowing away your
The possible advantages he will choose to ignore as much as possible. That's
what we see in Jim's posts for example.

I know perfectly well that many systems of paper money have failed.
Does that prove it is a bad idea?
No, it doesn't.
Just like all the failures and deaths with airplane prototypes did not prove
that the idea of a flying machine was bad.

Obviously there will be problems to solve before you have a sound 'e-land'
But the positive person will not ask "Is it possible?" , he will ask "How I
can make it possible?"

And the laissez-faire person always belongs to this positive people group.
The negative person may pretend to be laissez-faire, but his relentless
criticising and negativity are already an attempt to stop the idea.
A laissez-faire person is not trying to stop anything that is not violating
into his territory.


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