--- Patrick Chkoreff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think it is clear that if those numbers are entered as amounts of 
> grams, dollars, or euros they should be interpreted as (123 + 456 / 
> 1000).  It would be idiotic to assume the user intends to spend 123456 
> of those things.
> I guess if you want to spend some absurdly high amount of something 
> like Turkish lira one could allow space as a separator...

Mrrrm... Something's just rubbing me the wrong way about contextual
sensitivity in this particular case, especially since I'm not so
sure that such numbers would be "idiotic".  I've done e-gold transactions
with five figures of USD, so I don't see it as such a stretch to consider
six.  Similarly, e-gold is well suited for very tiny spends, as well.

-- David Beroff ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   Founder/CEO, note.com LLC
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