At 6:54 PM +0200 11/20/03, Danny Van den Berghe wrote:
>> ...
>> >I am looking for a really simple way to prevent theft from my account.
>> ...
>> Three words: "Buy a Mac!" :) (I couldn't resist, and JP would
>> have said it anyway!)
>A Mac or whatever doesn't solve the question at all.

Actually, long hard experience suggests that the users of
alternative operating systems (or at least browser/email
combinations) have WAAAAAY fewer security hassles, for
whatever reason (there might be a few).

>98% of the people don't understand anything at all about how computers work
>and how safe is the passphrase.
>Their question is not how they can keep their password safe.
>Their question is: what happens when somebody manages to get into my

Right now, good security hygiene is by-far your best
defense, but prevention has always beat "cures."

>Forced user confirmation by the customer via a link in an email, like George
>suggests, would achieve the same, but I am not so in favor of e-gold emails
>with links in them.

Me either. Email is an insecure medium, and if I want
to use an insecure medium to do something, why not
let it be AIM or ICQ? (Both services are owned by 
AOL/Time-Warner, believe it or not!) so I can at least
have close-to-instant speed with my insecurity! Lots
of people (like my brother) are lucky to check their
emails once a week!

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