On Monday, November 24, 2003, at 01:46 PM, James M. Ray wrote:


"Don't spend it with credit cards." This lesson is another
reason that e-metal makes a *GREAT* holiday gift!

Generally good advice, but what in the WORLD is this supposed to mean?

"Measured with a diverse group of retailers, spending by [store-issued credit cardholders] averages from 24 percent to nearly 70 percent more per purchase," GE Consumer Finance sales literature reports.

Guess whose pockets that 24 percent to 70 percent added purchase price is coming from? Those of us who carry the GE Consumer Finance credit cards!

I do not grasp the point or the reasoning there.

Certain people spend 24% more per purchase, and that extra "purchase price" is coming from someone else's pockets? What the?

-- Patrick

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