james is correct, an HTTP_USER_AGENT with /Mozilla/ in
it gets redirected to an html page at the default pages
and their /wml subdir.

that check is only in the default documents, if you want
to get past that check hit one of:

> Edwin> The problem is probably that your client does not send the
> Edwin> correct Accept: HTML header. It should contain at least:
> Edwin> Accept: vnd.wap.wml
> Edwin> If the e-gold site doesn't see that header, it thinks the
> Edwin> client is a normal web-browser (instead of a mobile phone) and
> Edwin> displays the HTML site.
> That was my inital thought, but curl does not send that and still gets
> wml back.  AFAICT mobile.e-gold.com and pcs.e-gold.com ignore the Accept
> header and only dump html at useragents that match /Mozilla/.
> -JimC

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