> At 05:58 2002-04-16 +0800, Zing Yang wrote:
> >$AltPassphrase="xxxxxxxxxxxx";
> Do you keep the actual pass phrase in there or its hash? If I recall
> correctly, you need to use the hash of the alt pp rather than the pp
> itself. But it is not quite clear what the xxxxxx stands for (not that
> it should be :) ).

Yes, that was it! We had put the actual passphrase there, while it should have been 
the hash. We quickly calculated the hash of the passphrase at 
https://www.e-gold.com/acct/md5check.html (thanks Jay!), and had to remove the chop 
command (don't quite understand why it was there in the first place), and now IT 
WORKS! :-)

For the record, here's the final code:




if ($handshake ne $INPUT{'V2_HASH'})

# here follows what to do if the verification was successful


Actually, looks pretty easy! And it's going to save a lot of time... no more manual 
verifications of payments! 

The next step is going to be the automation of prize payments on our part. Before we 
get to that, does anyone want to test our current system for loopholes? We're now 
covered against the following, which had plagued us before implementing the hash:

* payments in different, almost worthless currencies e.g. spanish pesetas
* payments made to a different account
* faked form submissions to the results URL

Actually, we had developed workarounds against the first two (by adding an explicit 
verification of currency and recipient account), but there was really nothing to 
protect against the third one other than the hash verification!

If you've got a few minutes (and $1), try our game at http://OffshoreGamers.com

Then try to find a way to fool the system, i.e. to generate a prize without actually 
sending an e-gold transfer that would result in a legitimate prize calculation 




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