
Thanks for the replies everyone.

On December 21, 2003 02:07 pm, James M. Ray wrote:
> I'm not saying this is a bad idea (I don't know enough to
> know) and I'm not! saying you're a criminal, but my mind
> is already telling me that criminals would try to use this,
> if they could... Can you describe a legitimate use, where
> this would come in handy or be cool? I worry about any
> modifications of account attributes... Thanks.

No its perfectly legit. :)

Basically, I've been thinking to develop a security
system that wraps around existing e-gold interface.
During the signup process a user would select an option
to delegate trust to a hardened host implementing the
formentioned system ( i.e. user would switch all 
access control rights to point to that host ). From
that point on user would user use a host as intermediary
to access the e-gold interface. Host would provide variety
of authentication schemes and either proxy or implement
the required e-gold functionality. I would like to have the
attribute modificaition option available from the automation api, 
otherwise I would have to manually instruct user on how to change
it or figure out a way of changing it once the user has established
ssl session.

As far as the criminals go, well they currently need account number/password
to log on in order to do anything correct ? They can also currently intiate 
automated spends without inputting a turing number correct ? So I was
thinking my addition would not pose as much of a risk. There are probably
other uses for this feature as well. Hope this explains better.


Alex Pavlovic
Taskforce-1 Inc. (http://www.taskforce-1.com)

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