
we are developing system heavy using eBPF programs and AF_XDP and noticed 
something that looks like regression.

In my setup I have system with 2 NICs: XXV710 and X722, kernel 5.2.1.

Driver version 2.8.20-k (packed into kernel):

XXV710 - works fine with AF_XDP in  zero copy mode;

X722 - crash on loading eBPF program (seems to be known bug AFAIK).

Driver version 2.9.21 (latest available from intel.com):

XXV710 - "operation not supported" error when initializing AF_XDP socket in 
zero copy mode;

X722 - the same, "operation not supported" error when initializing AF_XDP 
socket in zero copy mode.

And my final goal is to run X722 in AF_XDP zero copy which seems hard to 
achieve now.

Any points, ideas, thing to check or debug? - any help is very valuable.

Best regards,

Andriy Korud

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