On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 9:55 AM, Tom Schindl <tom.schi...@bestsolution.at>wrote:

> Proposal:
> ---------
> Contribute ModelProcessors who add the 2 Addon-Elements => because this
> is pure Java you can ensure quite simply that CommandServiceAddon is
> before BindingServiceAddon.
> I'm not talking about the generic case here our very specific one with
> the addons you mentioned in your first mail and here it is really simple
> to ensure this ordering, not?

I can solve it in any number of ways for my specific case, including setting
up all 3 in the renderer.  But these should represent the best practice for
contributing modularized services in e4, since one of our 3.x complaints is
that no one could work as well as the workbench services, since they were
hooked up by hand using internals.  If we have to do that, so be it, but I'd
like to provide a best practice here :-)


Paul Webster
Hi floor.  Make me a sammich! - GIR
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