
I don't think CRAN actually is a problem. They have archives available (+
recent investigation lead me to the conclusion that proxy I'm forced to usr
is -- how do I put it lightly? -- COMPLETE AND UTTER BULLCRAP).

What is more of my concern is BioConductor. They don't have archives and it
seems they don't consider adding one. Consider the packages broken or not I
need to have a stable archive available so the (my) company needs to invest
some money for the storage or live with the way its provided.

I'm thinking about a patch in the terms of "--print-uris" to circumvent
that (might also be nice for PyPi, CPAN, ...). Once the sources are at the
local site I (ay least) have no one to blame but myself...


On Wed, Apr 1, 2015, 14:42 Jens Timmerman <jens.timmer...@ugent.be> wrote:

>  Hi all,
> I just came about revoultionary R, which takes a CRAN snapshot for every
> release they do,
> this could provide us with a lot more stability in the packages if we
> follow these repository snapshots.
> http://mran.revolutionanalytics.com/documents/rro/reproducibility/#reproducibility
> Regards,
> Jens Timmerman
> On 31/03/15 18:26, Martin wrote:
> How about getting rid of of versions (at least for Bioconductor) and just
> let R itself deal with it. I find that "BiocInstaller::biocLite(....)" does
> work quite nicely. Be it an upstream mirror or a site local mirror, with a
> site local mirror the set of packages is under the local of the the site
> and there's no need to remove them during a mirror sync so one would at
> least have some kind of archive...
>  Of course that may then introduce other things like: "Is there a smart
> way to set an Rprofile.site from within an easyconfig?" (Yes I'm being
> greedy, EB in general works well enough for me to worry about these Luxury
> problems)
>  /Martin
> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 6:15 PM Martin <mar...@marcher.name> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Yes I know about -k it just seems so cumbersome to do that :(
>>  The combination of a broken corporate proxy and files that go missing
>> really makes this a mess (for me, EB itself is great, I just have to suffer
>> the slow Enterprise Death).
>>  I'll look into the script, thanks.
>>  Martin
>> On Tue, Mar 31, 2015 at 5:58 PM Pablo Escobar Lopez <
>> pablo.escobarlo...@unibas.ch> wrote:
>>> Hi Martin,
>>>  R extensions change quite often and the url also changes so the normal
>>> approach is "manual fix". In case it's useful for you I wrote this script
>>> some days ago to deal with this, it's not perfect and still requires some
>>> manual work but it works for ~90% of the R libraries so it saves you some
>>> time
>>> https://github.com/pescobar/random-scripts/blob/master/easybuild-update-R-libs.py
>>>  To install extra R libraries you can just add the new library to the
>>> exts_list and then rerun the easyconfig with "eb R-3.1.2.eb -k -f"  This
>>> way only libraries not already installed will be compiled. This is commonly
>>> used to add extra libraries for R/Perl/Python. This is the easybuild help:
>>>      -k, --skip          Skip existing software (useful for installing
>>>                         additional packages) (def False)
>>>  regards,
>>> pablo.
>>> 2015-03-31 17:41 GMT+02:00 Martin <mar...@marcher.name>:
>>>>  Hi,
>>>>  I'm trying to install R-3.1.2-goolf-1.5.14.eb.
>>>>  I'm running a simple:
>>>>  eb R-3.1.2-goolf-1.5.14.eb --robot -s fetch
>>>>  but it fails on most of the packages in exts_list. How are people
>>>> dealing with this?
>>>>  Are you just going thru the list and manually fix the versions, I
>>>> keep thinking there has to be a better way.
>>>>  Also how do you (later) install an additional package? Extend the
>>>> list in exts_list and "reinstall" or provide another module? Are there
>>>> established best practices for this?
>>>>  thanks,
>>>> Martin
>>>  --
>>>  Pablo Escobar López
>>> HPC systems engineer
>>> Biozentrum, University of Basel
>>> Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics SIB
>>> Email: pablo.escobarlo...@unibas.ch
>>> Phone: +41 61 267 21 80
>>> http://www.biozentrum.unibas.ch

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