Hi Niek,

We have support for installing software through a question/answer
system. But you will need a custom easyblock for it. For example, take
a look at the Mathematica easyblock:

The install path can be access by `%(installdir)s` variable in an easyconfig.


On Thu, Jun 11, 2015 at 10:31 AM, Niek de Klein <niekdekl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm trying to write an .eb file for Anacona, which has a binary file
> installer. During installation you have to send to the command line:
> <Enter>, yes<Enter>, path/to/install/<Enter>. I use easyblock = 'Binary'.
> The first two steps (pressing enter and saying yes) I can do by using
>   install_cmd = 'sh %(name)s-%(version)s.sh | yes'
> However, I don't know how to send the install path to the command line after
> pressing yes. Is there already support in EasyBuild for sending text to the
> command line during installation?
> Thanks,
> Niek

ir. Ward Poelmans
Center for Molecular Modeling
Ghent University
Technologiepark 903,
B-9052 Zwijnaarde
Tel: +32 9 264 65 76
E-mail: ward.poelm...@ugent.be

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