
While I find the citing to give credit an honorable approach I do not think
that referencing versions on _any_ commercial service is a good idea.

If you do that it has a certain implication that you expect, years from
now, this resource to still be valid.

Are you or is your organization willing to provide the means to access all
the resources necessary to reproduce an environment that can be used like a
publication describes it?

To me it's 2 kinds of problems:

1) In the scientific community giving credit where credit is due (I
personally don't expect to be named somewhere for spending a coupe of days
or weeks for writing an easyconfig)
2) Put money to  it so that other parties are able to reproduce published
work in a reliable way. (For certain values of reliability). Do we expect
to be able to reproduce it 1, 5, 10, 30, 50 years from now?

To completely different problems, at least in my opinion


On Wednesday, 17 February 2016, McGough, Benjamin E <bmcgo...@fredhutch.org>

> We have begun to use EasyBuild to replace our manual build process for
> scientific software. As we have learned more and more about EasyBuild, a
> couple of questions have come up.
> First, I am 95% positive I read a 'best practices' for citing
> EasyBuild/EasyConfigs... but I cannot find it anywhere now. If such exists
> in the documentation, please point me to it.
> I believe we will have need to cite the version of EasyBuild and the
> specific easyconfig used to build software involved in published research.
> Would it be wise to cite github URLs for EasyBuild and easyconfigs? We may
> also have a need to cite easyconfigs that have not been accepted into the
> easyconfigs repository, but would like to use a generic URL not associated
> with our institution. Is there a common practice for this?
> Second, we have begun to build R and Python with an expanded set of
> included extensions (libraries/modules). We intend to keep this up for new
> versions of R and Python, including version updates for the extensions and
> inclusion of new extensions by request and dependency. My initial feeling
> is that this might be useful to others, and I had planned to submit these
> easyconfigs with a versionsuffix of something like 'life-sciences' to
> indicate the extensions selection is primarily life science-driven. Now I
> am not sure that is the right way to proceed. Is there a common practice I
> should read? We also have a python script using APIs from CRAN and PyPI to
> update the easyconfigs. Is that something that would be a useful tool to
> others?
> Thanks!
> Ben McGough
> System Administrator
> Center IT/Scientific Computing
> O 206.667.7818
> bmcgo...@fredhutch.org <javascript:;>
> 1100 Fairview Ave. N.
> P.O. Box 19024
> Seattle, WA 98109
> Fred Hutch / Cures Start Here
> fredhutch.org

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