On 23/06/16 00:28, Adam Huffman wrote:
Hi Ben,

On 22 Jun 2016, at 21:31, McGough, Benjamin E <bmcgo...@fredhutch.org> wrote:

I have been struggling with creating a clean environment in which to build with 
EasyBuild and test easyconfigs.

Incidentally, I am using LXD currently to generate a clean Ubuntu containers, into which 
I am bootstrapping EasyBuild with minimal packages. I hope to have the whole thing 
automated with Jenkins in the next week or two. I have tested CentOS and Opensuse 
containers as well, so I plan to incorporate those for full testing. I also intend to 
have our "production" easybuilds run in these containers, with our distribution 
file system mounted.

On this specific point, Robert has done some work on using containers - he 
mentioned it in passing in his presentation at the user meeting.

I think lots of us would be interested if you’re able to share your work here.

Late to the party, but: +1 on this.
We should really work towards testing pull requests in isolation of the OS.
I've been eyeballing Nix/Guix for a while now to set up something like that, but I haven't gotten around to it yet...

And work on a single bundle/module for the whole X11 stack, since that's clearly a royal PITA. The added advantage of that is that it's trivial for people to rely on the OS instead of X11 stuff, by simply using --filter-deps=X11 (or similar).




As always, thank you for EasyBuild!

Ben McGough
System Administrator
Center IT/Scientific Computing
O 206.667.7818

1100 Fairview Ave. N.
P.O. Box 19024
Seattle, WA 98109

Fred Hutch / Cures Start Here


Adam Huffman
Senior HPC and Cloud Systems Engineer
The Francis Crick Institute
Gibbs Building
215 Euston Road
London NW1 2BE

T: 020 7611 2244
E: adam.huff...@crick.ac.uk
W: www.crick.ac.uk

The Francis Crick Institute Limited is a registered charity in England and 
Wales no. 1140062 and a company registered in England and Wales no. 06885462, 
with its registered office at 215 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE.

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