Short answer... foss is the new goolf... use foss....
2016a (for an older GCC)  or 2016b (for the latest).


On 09/06/2016 10:23 AM, Ole Holm Nielsen wrote:
Dear EasyBuild users,

We're starting work on updating the easybuild-easyconfigs for our simulation packages ASE and GPAW in order to make the latest updates available to the EasyBuild community and on our Linux cluster.

We'll be needing a toolchain including modern versions of GCC, OpenMPI, OpenBLAS/LAPACK, ScaLAPACK(/BLACS), FFTW. The target platform will be CentOS 7.2 which supplies GCC 4.8.5.

Question: Which of the two seemingly identical toolchains "foss" and "goolf" in the official toolchain list should we be using?


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