On 05/01/2018 17:28, Jakob Schiøtz wrote:
Hi again, Kenneth.

It turns out that I was wrong about the lack of internet access from the 
compute nodes.  In principle, there should be nothing stopping me from testing 
building with GPUs next week, except for my lack of knowledge :-)

I see this in the easyblock:

     def extra_options():
         extra_vars = {
             # see https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus
             'cuda_compute_capabilities': [[], "List of CUDA compute capabilities to 
build with", CUSTOM],
             'with_mkl_dnn': [True, "Make TensorFlow use Intel MKL-DNN", 

Does that mean that I can call eb with something like this

eb TensorFlow-1.4.0-foss-2017b-Python-3.6.3.eb -r 

or something like that (I will not be able to test it until next week).  Or do 
I need to make a new easyconfig which sets that extra option somehow (and 
depends on CUDA and friends)?

The latter, cuda_compute_capabilities is a custom easyconfig parameter for TensorFlow, not a command line option. Although you can try something like this to avoid having the copy & edit an easyconfig file yourself.

eb TensorFlow.eb --try-amend=cuda_compute_capabilities=x,y

Do note that you'll need to add CUDA & cuDNN as dependencies when you want to enable GPU support.

The values you provide need to be known CUDA compute capabilities though, so something like '3.7' (see https://developer.nvidia.com/cuda-gpus).



Best regards


On 5 Jan 2018, at 16:10, Jakob Schiøtz <schi...@fysik.dtu.dk> wrote:

On 5 Jan 2018, at 15:18, Kenneth Hoste <kenneth.ho...@ugent.be> wrote:

On 05/01/2018 14:13, Jakob Schiøtz wrote:
Hi again,

Yes, I have overlooked that - I just switched my repo to your branch and tried 
to build :-)

Now I get an error when building TensorFlow.  It is a 502 Bad Gateway, 
indicating that some server is down somewhere.  But is it not a problem that 
the build process itself tried to download extra stuff in addition to the 
source files listed in the .eb file?  At least it makes the checksum checking 
That's indeed a problem, but one that is hard to avoid with TensorFlow, at 
least in a first iteration...

Once we're happy with the current approach, a new target could be to get TensorFlow to 
build "offline".

One step at a time though... ;-)
It could be a showstopper for me, though.  On our cluster, only two nodes have 
GPUs.  With the binary build, I could only install TensorFlow on those, since 
although CUDA and friends are available on all the nodes, you can only load the 
resulting TensorFlow module on a machine with a GPU.  Unfortunately, these two 
nodes are officially compute-nodes, not login-nodes, and that means that they 
are cut off from the Internet.  So no downloading is possible on these. :-(

So I have two questions:

1. What do we expect to gain by building from source instead of installing from 
the wheel?

2. Would it be OK to have a “-bin” variant installing from the binary 
distribution until we get these issues ironed out?

In my second attempt, I managed to build with foss/2017b (obviously the server 
was up again).  I have not really tested it yet (I am only just dabbing into 
TensorFlow and my main application i crashing due to another problem).  Do you 
want me to submit the new .eb file as a PR to your PR?  Or should I just wait 
till your stuff has converged?



Best regards


WARNING: The lower priority option '-c opt' does not override the previous 
value '--compilation_mode=opt'.
WARNING: The lower priority option '-c opt' does not override the previous 
value '--compilation_mode=opt'.
 via codeload.github.com: 40,240 bytes
 via codeload.github.com: 205,436 bytes
____Loading package: tensorflow/tools/pip_package
____Loading package: @bazel_tools//tools/cpp
____Loading package: @local_jdk//
____Loading package: @local_config_cc//
____Loading complete.  Analyzing...
 error loading package 'tensorflow': Encountered error while reading extension 
file 'protobuf.bzl': no such package '@protobuf_archive//': 
java.io.IOException: Error downloading 
 GET returned 502 Bad Gateway and referenced by 
 error loading package 'tensorflow': Encountered error while reading extension 
file 'protobuf.bzl': no such package '@protobuf_archive//': 
java.io.IOException: Error downloading 
 GET returned 502 Bad Gateway and referenced by 
ERROR: Analysis of target '//tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package' 
failed; build aborted: error loading package 'tensorflow': Encountered error 
while reading extension file 'protobuf.bzl': no such package 
'@protobuf_archive//': java.io.IOException: Error downloading 
 GET returned 502 Bad Gateway.
____Elapsed time: 6.561s
(at easybuild/tools/run.py:481 in parse_cmd_output)
== 2018-01-05 14:07:30,582 easyblock.py:2685 WARNING build failed (first 300 chars): cmd 
"bazel --output_base=/tmp/eb-GpWEyg/tmpfJrPWS-bazel-build build 
--compilation_mode=opt --config=opt --subcommands --verbose_failures  --config=mkl 
//tensorflow/tools/pip_package:build_pip_package" exited with exit code 1 and output:

On 5 Jan 2018, at 13:50, Kenneth Hoste <kenneth.ho...@ugent.be> wrote:

Hi Jakob,

On 05/01/2018 13:19, Jakob Schiøtz wrote:
Hi Kenneth,

Is it possible that you forgot to check in the patches 
TensorFlow-1.4.0_swig-env.patch and TensorFlow-1.4.0_no-enum34.patch in your 
PR?  Attempting to build TensorFlow fails because it cannot find these.
The patch files are available from 
https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/5318 (as mentioned 
in the description of the PR).


Best regards


On 4 Jan 2018, at 16:37, Jakob Schiøtz <schi...@fysik.dtu.dk> wrote:

Dear Kenneth, Pablo and Maxime,

Thanks for your feedback.  Yes, I will try to see if I can build from source, 
but I will focus on the foss toolchain since we use that one for our Python 
here (we do not have the Intel MPI license, and the iomkl toolchain could not 
built Python last time I tried).

I assume the reason for building from source is to ensure consistent library 
versions etc.  If that proves very difficult, could we perhaps in the interim 
have builds (with a -bin suffix?) using the prebuilt wheels?

Best regards


On 4 Jan 2018, at 15:29, Kenneth Hoste <kenneth.ho...@ugent.be> wrote:

Dear Jakob,

On 04/01/2018 10:23, Jakob Schiøtz wrote:

I made a TensorFlow easyconfig a while ago depending on Python with the foss 
toolchain; and including a variant with GPU support (PR 4904).  The latter has 
not yet been merged, probably because it is annoying to have something that can 
only build on a machine with a GPU (it fails the sanity check otherwise, as 
TensorFlow with GPU support cannot load on a machine without it).
Not being able to test this on a non-GPU system is a bit unfortunate, but 
that's not a reason that it hasn't been merged yet, that's mostly due to a lack 
of time from my side to get back to it...

Since I made that PR, two newer releases of TensorFlow have appeared (1.3 and 
1.4).   There are easyconfigs for 1.3 with the Intel tool chain.  I am 
considering making easyconfigs for TensorFlow 1.4 with Python-3.6.3-foss-2017b 
(both with and without GPU support), but first I would like to know if anybody 
else is doing this - it is my impression that somebody who actually know what 
they are doing may be working on TensorFlow. :-)
I have spent quite a bit of time puzzling together an easyblock that supports 
building TensorFlow from source, see [1].

It already works for non-GPU installations (see [2] for example), but it's not 
entirely finished yet because:

* building from source with CUDA support does not work yet, the build fails 
with strange Bazel errors...

* there are some issues when the TensorFlow easyblock is used together with 
--use-ccache and the Intel compilers;
because two compiler wrappers are used, they end up calling each other resulting in a 
"fork bomb" style situation...

I would really like to get it finished and have easyconfigs available for 
TensorFlow 1.4 and newer where we properly build TensorFlow from source rather 
than using the binary wheels...

Are you up for giving it a try, and maybe helping out with the problems 
mentioned above?



[1] https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyblocks/pull/1287
[2] https://github.com/easybuilders/easybuild-easyconfigs/pull/5499

Best regards


Jakob Schiøtz, professor, Ph.D.
Department of Physics
Technical University of Denmark
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

Jakob Schiøtz, professor, Ph.D.
Department of Physics
Technical University of Denmark
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

Jakob Schiøtz, professor, Ph.D.
Department of Physics
Technical University of Denmark
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

Jakob Schiøtz, professor, Ph.D.
Department of Physics
Technical University of Denmark
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

Jakob Schiøtz, professor, Ph.D.
Department of Physics
Technical University of Denmark
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

Jakob Schiøtz, professor, Ph.D.
Department of Physics
Technical University of Denmark
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

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