Hi all, 

I got several builds that failed because the source file could not be found. 
It turns out that EasyBuild unpacks files with their original timestamps (could 
be years 
old) and that these get removed automatically from /tmp 
(no other non-networked filesystem available, I'm afraid) before the build 
I now changed the framework locally to use 'tar xm' to get the current time as 
That works fine for me. I thought to create a pull request for this, but maybe 
you solved it 
some other way (hard to imagine you didn't run into similar issues before;)? 


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| John Donners | Senior consultant | Compute | SURFsara | Science Park 140 | 
1098 XG Amsterdam | Nederland | 
T (31)6 19039023 | john.donn...@surfsara.nl | www.surfsara.nl | 

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