Dear EasyBuilders,

I'm happy to announce the release of EasyBuild version 3.5.2 [1].
And yes, this is the best EasyBuild release so far...

This is primarily a bugfix/update release, but also includes a couple of significant enhancements.
Highlights include:

    * support for RPATH declared stable, thanks a lot to Pablo & John for their feedback & help!

    * initial (basic) integration with OpenHPC, through inclusion of metadata for OpenHPC-provided modules

    * (finally) a custom easyblock for installing TensorFlow *from source* (both CPU-only & with GPU support)

    * enhanced GCC easyblock that allows building a generically optimized GCC (via 'generic' easyconfig parameter or --optarch=GENERIC)

    * new toolchain definitions: giolf/2018a, goolfc/2017b, iomkl/2018a

    * support for 24 new software packages, incl. AmberTools, dropEst, faceswap, ...

    * updates for already supported software,
       incl. CP2K 5.1, IPython 6.2.1, OpenFOAM v1712, Perl 5.26.1, Python 3.6.4, TensorFlow 1.5.0, X11 20180131

    * various minor bug fixes & enhancements

This brings the total number of supported software packages to 1,396 [2]!
A detailed overview of all changes is available in the release notes [3].

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release in one way or another!

To upgrade to EasyBuild v3.5.2, there are several options, see [4].
Two particularly easy options include:

    * eb --install-latest-eb-release  # requires EasyBuild v3.3.0 or more recent

    * eb --from-pr 5942                  # use easyconfig from PR #5942 [5]

(EasyBuild v3.3.0 is required for --install-latest-eb-release because support for SHA256 checksums is required)



Kenneth (a.k.a. boegel)
EasyBuild release manager


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