On Thu, 2018-11-15 at 08:29 +0100, Kenneth Hoste wrote:
> Any particular reason for that, beyond sticking to what's familiar?

Not really; it's what we started with and we've stayed with it.

> Which versions are you still using?



> Both goolf & ictce are different from foss & intel in the sense that 
> goolf & ictce do not include an EasyBuild-installed binutils along with 
> the GCC that is used as a base.

Yes, that's about it.

All the best,

Lev Lafayette, BA (Hons), GradCertTerAdEd (Murdoch), GradCertPM, MBA
(Tech Mngmnt) (Chifley)
Senior HPC Support and Training Officer +61383444193 +61432255208
Department of Infrastructure Services, University of Melbourne

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