Dear EasyBuilders,

This is a friendly reminder to consider filling out the 2nd EasyBuild User Survey if you haven't already:

It only takes a couple of minutes...



On 09/01/2019 09:14, Kenneth Hoste wrote:
Dear EasyBuilders,

Just like last year, we would like to get a better view on the EasyBuild community through a short user survey.

Please take some time to fill it out:

This should take only 5-10 minutes of your time, and is done anonymously (other than the first couple of high level demographic questions).

If you know other people who are using EasyBuild but may not be subscribed to this mailing list, please forward them this invitation.

The survey will be available until Wednesday Jan 23rd 2019.

The survey results will be discussed during my presentation at the 4th EasyBuild User Meeting [1] (just like last year, see [2]).




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