
I am trying to write an easyconfig for RAxML-NG and have the following:


easyblock = 'CMakeMake'

name = 'RAxML-NG'
version = '0.8.1'

ompi_ver = '3.1.3'
versionsuffix = '-OpenMPI-%s' % ompi_ver

homepage = 'https://github.com/amkozlov/raxml-ng'
description = "RAxML-NG is a phylogenetic tree inference tool which uses 
maximum-likelihood (ML) optimality criterion."

toolchain = {'name': 'foss', 'version': '2018b'}

source_urls = 
sources = ['%(namelower)s_v%(version)s_linux_x86_64_MPI.zip']

#checksums = ['']

builddependencies = [
    ('CMake', '3.12.1'),
    ('Bison', '3.0.5'),
    ('flex', '2.6.4'),
    ('GMP', '6.1.2'),

dependencies = [

separate_build_dir = True

configopts = "-DUSE_MPI=ON "

sanity_check_paths = {
    'files': ['bin/raxml-ng'],
    'dirs': [''],

sanity_check_commands = ["raxml-ng -v"]

moduleclass = 'bio'


The install fails with:

  == 2019-04-30 11:32:00,287 build_log.py:163 ERROR EasyBuild crashed
  with an error (at
  in __init__): cmd " make install " exited with exit code 2 and output:
  make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.

I assume I therefore have to patch the install step into the
CMakeLists.txt file.

Or is there any alternative (besides getting the authors to fix their



Dr. Loris Bennett (Mr.)
ZEDAT, Freie Universität Berlin         Email loris.benn...@fu-berlin.de

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