
Le 16.12.2019 à 19:09, Åke Sandgren a écrit :

On 12/16/19 6:05 PM, Yann Sagon wrote:
My $MODULEPATH contains after loading fosscuda/2019b:

For a standard HMNS loading fosscuda/2019b should show (in your case)

So, take a look at your modules/all/Compiler/GCC/8.3.0/CUDA/10.1.243.lua
and verify that it does extend MODULEPATH with


I don't have this file (at this place).

[sagon@node025 TensorFlow] $ find /opt/ebmodules/ -name \*10.1.243\*.lua

And this is the module loaded by fosscuda/2019b when I do module show CUDA.

If not, or if it doesn't exist, you need to make sure you're using
EasyBuild 4.1.0 and then do a rebuild.

eb gcccuda-2019b.eb fossacuda-2019b.eb --rebuild --robot
I did that, and It wasn't working. Then I removed the gcccuda-2019b.eb and fosscuda-2019b.eb from the repositorypath and rebuild again and this time it's working!

A previous version of fosscuda/2019b was incorrect for HMNS

I did a diff between the two fosscuda-2019b.eb files and the obvious difference is that CUDA is the cuda for GCC instead of a plain CUDA in the old eb file.

Many thanks for your help, it's working fine now!



Logo UNIGE      Yann Sagon
Référent HPC

Division du système et des technologies de l'information et de la communication
Université de Genève | 24 rue Général-Dufour
Tél 022 379 77 37 | Bureau 151

www.unige.ch/stic <http://www.unige.ch/stic>

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