Dear Yann,

On 17/12/2019 15:06, Yann Sagon wrote:
Dear list,

at the end of the TensorFlow installation, during the sanity check, it have the following error:

== 2019-12-17 12:46:46,834 INFO running cmd: pip --version
== 2019-12-17 12:46:48,023 INFO Found pip version: 19.2.3
== 2019-12-17 12:46:48,024 INFO running cmd: pip check
== 2019-12-17 12:46:50,008 ERROR EasyBuild crashed with an error (at easybuild/base/ in __init__): cmd "pip check" exited with exit code 1 and output:
sphinx 2.2.0 requires sphinxcontrib-applehelp, which is not installed.
sphinx 2.2.0 requires sphinxcontrib-devhelp, which is not installed.
sphinx 2.2.0 requires sphinxcontrib-htmlhelp, which is not installed.
sphinx 2.2.0 requires sphinxcontrib-jsmath, which is not installed.
sphinx 2.2.0 requires sphinxcontrib-qthelp, which is not installed.
sphinx 2.2.0 requires sphinxcontrib-serializinghtml, which is not installed.
pytest 5.1.2 requires wcwidth, which is not installed.
  (at easybuild/tools/ in parse_cmd_output)

Any clue?

You'll need to run the following command first to installing some missing extensions in your Python 3 installation (this issue was fixed in EasyBuild v4.1.0, see also

eb --force --skip Python-3.7.2-GCCcore-8.2.0.eb Python-3.7.4-GCCcore-8.3.0.eb

This will only add the missing extensions and re-generate the module file, it will not remove anything from the existing Python installationsl

After that, the sanity check for TensorFlow should pass.
I think a "eb --module-only" is sufficient there to complete the installation once the missing extensions in Python have been installed.




Logo UNIGE      Yann Sagon
Référent HPC

Division du système et des technologies de l'information et de la communication
Université de Genève | 24 rue Général-Dufour
Tél 022 379 77 37 | Bureau 151 <>

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