Dear Jakob,

On 14/12/2020 09:28, Jakob Schiøtz wrote:
Hi EasyBuilders,

I am trying to run the test suite of a Python package (ASE), that I install as a PythonBundle.  However, the 
test suite seems to be run *before* the package is installed, at least the binary is not yet there.  I guess 
it makes sense, many packages have a "make", "make test", "make install" 
sequence, but when pip-installing I would like to run the test suite on the final result.

I added 'runtest': 'ase test' to the dictionary for the specific package, as adding 
runtest = 'ase test' to the global PythonBundle resulted in the test being run before any 
of the "extensions" were installed, i.e. before anything was really done.

Ideally, I would like to run the test at the very end after installing all the 
packages, but running it after the main package is installed is also fine.

I recommend just including "ase test" as a sanity check command, like this:

sanity_check_commands = ["ase test"]

We usually only include short test commands in the sanity check step though, but it's not a very strict rule...



Best regards


Jakob Schiøtz, professor, Ph.D.
Department of Physics
Technical University of Denmark
DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

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