
as written in the error message: you need to install either: libibverbs-dev, libibverbs-devevel or rdma-core-devel (rpm or deb it depends on your OS).



Le 27.04.2021 à 19:17, may abdelghani a écrit :


I am trying to build the CP2K program (CP2K-7.1-foss-2020b-psmp.eb) on my partition in a HPC cluster, but I got the following error message:

== resolving dependencies ...

ERROR: Failed to process easyconfig /home/may/easybuild/easybuild/easyconfigs/u/UCX/UCX-1.9.0-GCCcore-10.2.0.eb: One or more OS dependencies were not found: [('libibverbs-dev', 'libibverbs-devel', 'rdma-core-devel')

How can I overcome this problem, thanks in advance


Logo UNIGE      Yann Sagon
Référent HPC

Division du système et des technologies de l'information et de la communication
Université de Genève | 24 rue Général-Dufour
Tél 022 379 77 37 | Bureau 151

www.unige.ch/stic <http://www.unige.ch/stic>

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