On 11/25/20, Garrett Dangerfield <garr...@dangerimp.com> wrote:
> I got the 20.4.24 tarball and actually managed to compile it on Windows 10
> using cygwin gcc.

Here is my experience with (latest) ECL on Windows 10:

I installed the (free) MSVC compiler (which is the natural choice on
Windows, has fewer dependencies and produces smaller executables).

For simplicity let's assume we have ECL in 'C:\ecl'.
In order to build the 64 bit version, you need to edit
'C:\ecl\msvc\Makefile', line 24 like this:

  ECL_WIN64 = 1

If you build from the command line, make sure to run the respective
'vcvars*.bat' file first. In my case it is:

  C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio

This will setup the environment for command line builds.
After switching to 'C:\ecl\msvc' and building ECL with 'nmake.exe',
run 'nmake install'. Without arguments, it will install in:


You may now try to switch to the above path and run the 'ecl.exe'.
Before compiling a file, just run '(require :cmp)'.

If the above works, just add the above path to your PATH environment
variable (e.g. in the 'msvc*.bat' file, see above), and you should be
able to compile from any directory.

  @set PATH="C:\ecl\msvc\package";%PATH%


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