On Fri, Jan 21, 2011 at 11:45 PM, Matthew Mondor

> With your exact test case, there is indeed no problem for me.  So I
> tried two other tests, related to reception of SIGINT

Well, then I think I might know the problem. If this is a multithreaded ECL,
when SIGINT is received, it is handled by a separate thread. However, this
thread is spawned by a thread which is created before your code is executed.
In other words, the handler thread never gets to see your restarts. At most
the *debugger-hook* might be used to "push" restarts, but not that they do
not make much sense, since they are executed on a standalone thread, where
the notion of "continue" does not make much sense.

In an "ordinary" ECL the situation is a bit different, as the debugger is
better "installed" and what it does is coordinate with the already running
toplevel. I will look into your examples, which are clear and simple enough,
to see what is going on there -- the third example is particularly ugly.


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