On Tue, Jan 25, 2011 at 9:51 PM, Anton Vodonosov <avodono...@yandex.ru>

> What is the state of the ECL's bytecode compiler? As we recently discovered
> COMPILE-FILE with bytecode compiler has an error.

Yes, I acknowledged this.

> Do you plan to fix this error?

The answer is yes, but the timeframe can not be assured.

> If the error is fixed, how stable the bytecode compiler? It is not an
> experimental feature, right? As far as I understand the bytecode compiler is
> used for everything we type in REPL.

The bytecompiler is fine. Stable and with reasonabl performance. What does
not work is writing down (externalizing) those bytecompiled expressions into
a text file -- bytecompiled code contains objects that do not always have a
printed representation.


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