Michael asked me to please forward his reply to me, and here it is. I 
very much appreciate his response. 

Also, I'd like to note that IMHO the "Dems" haven't done much of a job of 
protecting wilderness or nonhuman species either, in addition to many of 
the other things that have been mentioned. They could have tried to get 
the ESA reauthorized well before this last election, but Nooo...

Anyway, it looks like this string is moving toward reconciliation, and I 
hope this forwarding will further the process.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 8 May 95 10:42:49 PDT
From: Michael Golden <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Ronnie Hawkins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: divisiveness

Hi Ronnie, et al,
Ronnie makes several good points about divisive language. I agree and 
opologize for my tone. I must admit I committed several 'sins' in my last 
post. I was irritated with someone else's post and responed emotionally. 
My opologies to the members of the list. I too am ultimately looking for 
bridges to deal with the problems we face.

I still think however that mainstream environmental groups (with strong 
ties to the democrtaic party) have historically spent more time and 
resources preserving 'wilderness' than dealing with other environmental 
issues that probably don't effect most mainstream environmentalist 
e.g.working on wlderness bills vrs. pesticides issues as they 
affect farmworkers, etc. I think that is a fair analysis and is not meant 
to divide us.(BTW, I never said 'white' liberals). I'm particularly 
attracted to ecofem philosophy because it does include humans. 
Ultimately, that is the point we will rally most people around...how 
ecological destruction affects the human race. As well we should, for 
greater than 1/3 of the human race is suffering the results of 
ecological destruction now. I'm just not of the mind to believe that the 
democratic party will lead the struggle for ecological health and 

Neverthless, I thank Ronnie for reminding us (me) of our task at hand. 
 e ya'll
-michael -- 


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