Here's a conference advertised on another list that I thought might 
be of interest to some of you.  Stefanie Rixecker

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Date sent:      26 Sep 1994 12:07:21 -0400
From:           Michael Slaven <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:        Women inCreativity Conference
Send reply to:  Women's Studies List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

West Virginia University, November 11,12, 13
A Tenth Aniversary Conference Celebration of Women in Creativity
explores Diversity through:
Evening performances, Panels and Workshops, Art Exhibitions,
Book Fair, Children's Programs, Luncheons.

Presentations and Panels by nationally and regionally recognized
women in the fields of the visual arts, music, dance, theatre,
and business.

Sponsored by the WVU Center for Women's Studies, the Eberly College of Arts
and Sciences, and the WVU College of Creative Arts.

For more information and registration:

WVU, Morgantown West Virginia
(304) 293-2339 or (304) 293-2140

Some additional info. also available from [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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