Here's a forum some or all of you might wish to contribute to.

                                    Stefanie Rixecker
                                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Date sent:      27 Sep 1994 09:29:27 -0700
From:           GREEN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:        Forum: Education About the Environment
Send reply to:  Environmental Studies Discussion List <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

                       National Forum on
   "Partnerships Supporting Education about the Environment"

     The Office of Science and Technology Policy and Office on
Environmental Policy in the Executive Office of the President,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Education,
and Department of the Interior are initiating a dialogue among
representatives of education; business; nongovernmental
organizations, including community groups and foundations;
federal, state, and local government; and other interested
parties.  These agencies are seeking to foster ways to build more
effective partnerships among these sectors to support and sustain
quality education efforts about the environment at the community

     The five agencies are sponsoring a forum on September 28 to
October 1, 1994, to discuss these issues and related concerns,
and the Global Rivers Environmental Education Network (GREEN)
invites you to follow along and participate electronically in the
dialogue, discussion, and events at the meeting.  GREEN will post
regular updates to this electronic forum.

     The forum sponsors are interested in obtaining input from a
wide variety of stakeholders.  Initially, please direct your
responses to the questions below.  The federal agencies will seek
input on additional issues and materials after the forum.

     1.  In the 25 years this country has formally
addressed environmental education, the public's awareness of
environmental issues has increased markedly.  Please share with
us your vision of what education about the environment should
embrace during the next 25 years.

     2.  From your perspective, which forces currently support
your vision, and which stand in the way of achieving this vision?

resources, key elements, new strategies, etc.) that will assist
in bring this vision to reality?

     4.  In your view, what are the strengths and weaknesses of
current public and private programs in this area?  What are your
suggestions for improvement?

Transcripts of the forum, and comments by on-line observers, will
be posted on the Internet by GREEN during the three-day event.

World Wide Web users should point their browsers to this URL:

Gopher users should point their Gopher clients to:
port: 70
path: 1/orgs/green

Alternately, point your gopher to the Institute for Global
Communications in California, U.S.A. <>, then
move through the following menus:

      Organizations on the IGC Networks Gopher
            Global Rivers Environmental Education Network

Questions and comments during the forum may be sent via e-mail to:


Additionally, on-line participants are encouraged to supplement
their responses to these questions by completing and returning
the following items from the Gopher/WWW location noted above:

      -- Information Form for Resources Directory

      -- Personal Viewpoints Questionnaire

Thank you for helping to make this forum a success.

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