In a message dated 1/23/99 8:34:45 PM Pacific Standard Time,

<< Weren't you the one who just disparaged all humanity by, among other
things, bringing up two world wars? >>

This is not a disparagement of "all humanity". "All" of humanity did not
participate in these world wars. These are symptoms of "civilization" which is
a nice word for "empire". And if you caught my drift, it would be a
disparagement of the particular storm which has uplifted humans and placed
them in certain relationships ; Homo Sapiens Sapiens I have no doubt is a
potentially marvelous and amazing creature ; however, certain traits have been
iterated in such a way as to produce assemblages which are incredibly
destructive ... these assemblages I critique, not the poor animals (Homo
Sapiens Sapiens) caught within them ... The problem is, in the process, not
only are these poor animals participating in their own misery, but the misery
of other creatures as well. 

I have not disputed that a vast linguistic-cognitive complexification and
technologization has occurred through the iteration of various human traits
... through various cultural traits which history iterated ... but this aspect
of the world-process does not automatically center value on those
participating in it ... otherwise, we would have to place technocrats,
engineers, and linguists at the Center of All Value in the Universe and recede
out from there ... Now I will also agree that this cognitive-technological
complexification is a fascinating, mad machine, with all sorts of lines of
flight and vectors in all sorts of directions. However, some of its
predominant tendencies are pretty antibiophiliac, and the Ranking of Beings,
placing Homo Sapiens on top, is just one rank symptom of this.

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