>From Pearl Harbor To the Pearl of East-West Peace Only Political Gender Balance Will Bring Security and World Peace
Educated World Observers to IPU-"UN" - Heptulla/Johnnson, Annan/Bertini, etc. Gender Balance in Office Would Have Prevented Pearl Harbor, Hiroshima, Death Camps Gender Balanced True Govt(s) Recognition/Global Political Reevaluation Worldwide: World Culture Outgrowing Unbalanced Officialdom-Mostly-Monogenderment(s) Wars This email is derived from information being shared among thousands of women's studies, political science and other scholars and concerned women and men citizens in Japan, China, Germany, Israel, Russia, England and the US, including Hawaii, and many other countries who were especially affected by World War II, both East and West. Similar messages are also circulating among over 90 organizations, colleges and universities and internet forums in at least 45 countries. Feel free to share and post this information to others. Spreading this information helps save the earth and fulfill the promise of peace more quickly. http://www.ipu.org/wmn-e/classif.htm (at-a-glance stats on your/all countries' ranks on gender balance in office) http://www.wedo.org/news/Jul01/csw.htm (a revealing look at "UN" unfulfilled promises on gender balance) http://www.nikk.uio.no/oversikter/lige_e.html http://www.europrofem.org http://www.angelfire.com/folk/announcepeace/index.html http://www.international-community.de/ic0400/frm_int.htm http://www.geocities.com/urgentupdate_genderandgovernment/exerpts.html http://cld.org http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/users/sawweb/sawnet/SAW.orgn.html many more links below Until the so-called "United Nations" and its Security Council and many other member countries and their homeland mostly monogender officialdoms, become reasonably (at least 75% balanced, see below) politically gender balanced via reforms such as those discussed and databased by many including its partner organization - the International Parliamentary Union (IPU) http://www.ipu.org - the "UN" does not really unite the world in conflict resolution, racial and ethnic reconciliation, or sustainability, and cannot achieve lasting peace, world environmental, human health and rights protection, and quality and widespread longevity of life. In fact, it and/or any countries' attempts to achieve these goals without gender balance may precipitate several worldwide crises. Without gender balance, the "UN" (also called the UUMM - Ununited Unbalanced Mostly-Monogenderment by many observers) and some of its most prominent members, have not learned the single most central underlying cause of dictatorship, aggression, genocide and war as well as environmental and public health dangers. Understanding this is necessary in order to prevent further world war/destruction. World War II, as all major wars and aggressions, was preventable, but was precipitated and pursued by officialdoms that lacked the wisdom of gender balance of democratically elected office. It was this lack of gender-balanced wisdom that crippled the League of Nations. If the present "UN" remains and condones gender-imbalance, more "suprise" terror attacks (which are actually a predictable outgrowth of outmoded political mostly-monogenderism), a Third World War, or a gender-imbalanced officialdoms' War on Nature, all continue to threaten the world. Equally important, the situation also is sapping resources and delaying full new millennial cultural and scientific progress. However, successful, gender balanced true government is already spread throughout the earth, not only in the natural global population of democracy, but also in many national governments that are at least 75% balanced, as well as many state and municipical jurisdictions, most worldwide universities and many other organizations. Such "true government(s)" will preserve or regain peace anyway, while calling for and bringing about eventual official gender balance changes at the so-called "United Nations" and all global organizations, national officialdoms, and also governing decision-makers of many major corporations, in order to fulfill the peaceful promise of the earth for all its inhabitants. Lacking this balance, like the League of Nations, both the so-called "UN" and many of its member officialdoms will likely soon fail in globally significant, both politically and environmentally-biogenetically, disastrous ways. But there is a bright side to the situation: Worldwide informed citizens at gender balanced national and state governments, organizations, universities and colleges, and linked by the Internet, will still be able to either stave off fully global disaster or "pick up the pieces" to achieve true, gender balanced government and real democracy. The gender balanced internet itself also provides a global peace "organization" and floating world town meeting, to emphasize the gender balance issue, until such time as official true government(s) and a gender balanced diplomatic community are officially achieved. Official gender balanced true governments have generally existed for decades in Scandinavian countries, and have more recently emerged or are emerging rapidly in Costa Rica, France, Germany, South Africa, New Zealand, Netherlands, Mozambique, Argentina, India, Canada, Belgium and many others, according to the IPU database. Gender balance leadership has consistently been associated with environmental, public health/healthcare and quality of life leadership and success in such countries. The IPU gender balance effort, lead by IPU executives Heptulla and Johnsson among others, has emphasized the issue more clearly than the "UN" to date. For the "UN" to really unite the world for peace, officials such as Kofi Annan and others require high profile female counterparts in the "UN", (such as the recently named CFO Catherine Bertini) to conjointly and publically articulate the 75% balanced numerical range standard on the issue. They can be aided by current and recent women and men pro-gender balance advisors such as Frechette, King, Lafitte and others (see http://wedo.org/news/Jul01/csw.htm) and to work all as equals in title, i.e. (IPU-UN Special Secretaries-Generals for Attaining True Gender Balanced Governments), with IPU executive leaders such as Anders Johnnson and Najma Heptulla and other gender balance male-female partners of the IPU. The at least 75% balanced range is described as the minimum necessity for sustainability, peace, and true government that reflects and optimally serves, both materially and spiritually, citizens of both genders and all races, and does not victimize any of them. Heptulla/Bertini and Annan/Johnsson and colleagues must especially decide to compassionately but outspokenly expose and resist patriarchal/oligarchical or corporate financial strings attached to any further delays on gender balance, or expect to escalate crisis, as well as lose credibility among informed world citizens who understand that lack of gender balance in office will actually increase world hunger and disease in a few years and induce daily multiply threats to peace and the environment. The failure of Annan and former High Commissioner Mary Robinson to work as titular equals and build an effective team with the IPU on the issue, and failure to articulate the at least 75% balanced range for gender presence that meets a true government standard, has already taken a toll on world democracy, prosperity, and expectation of peace. If the ommission is repeated, disaster will likely soon result. Both UN and IPU are advised to undertake high profile focussed outreach, truth and reconciliation on the issue, with gender balance leaders and world recognized celebrities, such as Former French Prime Minister Lionel Jospin and Dr. Sylvianne Agacinski Jospin of France, Sonia Gandhi of India, Helen Caldicott of Australia, Michael Moore of the United States, Desmonde Tutu of South Africa, high profile Scandinavian and other women and men recent heads of state and their pro-balance spouses, such as Tarja Halonen and Pentii Arajarvi of Finland, the Arias of Costa Rica, and others, and especially with IPU gender balance leaders like Heptulla and Johnsson. No matter how difficult, the "UN" can no longer be standardless on gender balance, if it wants both its own organization to be respected, and the world as a whole to survive and thrive. Visible and verifiable official gender balance is integrally the necessary condition for successful racial and and ethnic reconciliation, as well. Specifically, some "Security Council" and G-8 member countries currently have a bloated 80-90% or more of political offices filled by gender careless, standardless officials, the most dominating of mostly only one gender. In the grass roots and especially among the most informed and literate, women have been encouraged by most men in sharing political office, but these more egalitarian men are also severely underrepresented in political office in these mostly monogenderments. For example, according to the IPU rankings, the UK has only 17% token women in office among 83% still dominating men, ranking 47th; the USA is even worse with only 13% token women among 87% still dominating men almost all of one race, ranking 56th; Russia, Japan and others, are even more severely regressed despite large populations of literate and capable women leaders, and many millios of pro-balance men as well. Under the monogenderist system of domination as an underlying element of political life, t-errorist, both domestic and foreign, as well as corporate errors and misjudgements in any and all of these countries, can "surprise" the world with complex environmental and biogenetic disasters that would make Pearl Harbor's "surprise" attack and dark aftermath look "simple". The situation requires daily sapping of resources for weapons of violence and defense, also part of a gender-skewed outmoded economic valuation procedure that neglects much work and quality of life. Yet, any and all of these countries could quickly become gender balance leaders. Women both East and West are now well able to balance the ranks of decision-making, as soon as the issue is addressed openly and without denial. Gender imbalance was imbedded in Hitler, Hirohito and even Stalin's pattern, but can arise in any nationality. In time, the pattern becomes so escalated that it is inevitably and unpredictably destructive to all, either directly or by threat to the nature upon which life depends. That time is now upon us, unless an intentional and conscious rapid transition to worldwide gender balance in political office occurs, especially in G-8 countries. A siege mentality that attempts security without gender balance in office will fail, according to many men and women scholars worldwide who have written about this in depth for decades. Countries without gender balance in office also tend to have media which have never been or no longer trusted as sources of information and communication by the most literate or better educated. These are not yet true media, and have withheld much of the world's biggest gender balance news, such as that of the French Parite laws, Indian, South African, Filipino and Mozambique legislation, and daily operations of shared leadership in Scandinavia, censoring these stories from billions for several years and decades. Controlled often by older men, the women "serving" these so-called media are currently few, in superficial roles, and tokenized. Therefore, thousands of women and fair men are now sharing emails and faxes such as this one. A uniting world peace organization cannot sustain either itself, its member countries, or world peace and world health, without gender balance. Gender balance mainstreaming must be daily achieved in its workings, not just talked about for an indefinite future, or the idealistic political and social vision of the organization becomes lost to hypocrisy and misogyny. The IPU and UN and all educated international leaders, including professors and students at universities and organizations worldwide, must face the issue now, as a global and human rights issue, for the protection of peace, prosperity and environment, and for the good of all. The "at least 75% balanced standard" is usually articulated as follows: Any officialdom that is not at least 75% gender-balanced; that is, have seats and offices held by at least 37.5% women as well as at least 37.5% men, is not a true government (yet). True government, approximately as balanced by gender as humankind is, is both a individual citizen's, and world collective citizenry's human right no matter where they live, if government is defined as a fully participatory consensual contract, and not of a residue of imposed domination upon the present by the past. Monogenderments and mostly-monogenderments, which often are racial and ethnic dominationments as well, are viewed as artifacts of a pre-literate, pre-technological past, and not as functional or fully consensually derived government. Grave dangers of imbalance becomes blatantly apparent when technological development, whether in weapons or civilian areas such as energy and environmental strategies, and communications, grossly outstrips gender presence in office. Gender balance in office is important for the protection of men as much as women, since officialdoms that do not reach this level in presence of women are also more abusive of most men's rights, such as the right to vote in democratic, valid and uncorrupted true elections, unfairly expose most men, especially of minority race or lower income, but all men to some degree, to war and internal social violence, and also lower most men's quality and longevity of life on numerous personal, environmental, health, labor and management issues and stress indices. This is in addition to the obvious benefits of gender balance in office to women's dignity, priorities and documented leadership/partnership talents, in areas such as protection of public, family and children's health, education issues, conflict resolution, peace, and environmental sustainability. To see if gender balanced true government exists yet or is coming soon where you live, work, are educated, or trade or invest, use the IPU rankings link http://www.ipu.org/wmn-e/classif.htm listed below. Political gender balance of at least 75% representation of both genders, thus, as least 37.5% of both genders in office is not some far off ideal. It exists in many places already, and is literally spread throughout the earth. It is the saving hope and grace anticipated by much of humanity, and by many of humanity's greatest men as well as women cultural and spiritual leaders. Its presence is seen by multitudes now, to be the prerequisite for continued secure and healthy life on the planet, no matter where you live. This is now the opinion of the most informed women and men at major organizations and universities worldwide: Today, many countries have already suffered surprise attacks. So far, at least, none has plunged the whole world into devastation, but the danger, insecurity and fear remains apparent in many countries. Gender balance leadership is occurring everywhere, with important leadership in the East since China's UN Beijing conference, and including women of India, the Phillipines, Australia, New Zealand and now Japan. Likewise. women in Germany, France, the Netherlands and many other countries have been assisted by the Scandinavian quality of life to focus on the issues, and many holocost-survivors daughters in Israel are working with Arab women on mutual empowerment as well. This December, perhaps their shared communication, supported by millions of men in all these lands, will bring the West and East much further along to unite the world in a surprise of peace instead of war. A Pearl, like True Peace, occurs naturally after much time has passed with an irritation patiently endured. But, once grown, what lasting beauty a round Pearl gives for all to see! Before it was attacked, the name Pearl Harbor signified a place of security and natural beauty. A gender balanced world will return the original name to its Pacific meaning forever, and make all the Earth a safe harbor for a world-round, universal Peace. Then, we discover that all Earth has become and can sustain as the serene shining whole blue Pearl seen from space, that hosts humanity and all natural life. With (and only with) gender balance in political office can the males and females of our planet look forward to sharing all this, and exploring space -- together. Links: http://www.ipu.org/wmn-e/classif.htm (at a glance statistics of your/all countries' ranks on gender in office) http://www.nikk.uio.no/oversikter/lige_e.html http://www.angelfire.com/folk/announcepeace/index.html http://www.annuaire-au-femin.tm.fr/englMANIFESTO96.html http://www.geocities.com/theuniversaldeclaration/thedeclaration.html (a full explanation of the "at least 75% gender balanced" standard) http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/users/sawweb/sawnet/SAW.orgn.html http://www.pinn.net/~sunshine/book-sum/gouges.html http://www.pinn.net/~sunshine/gage/features/seneca.html http://www.geocities.com/genders2peace/index.html (includes a section on how to telecommunicate gender balance information inexpensively and effectively) http://www.qweb.kvinnoforum.se http://wedo.org (see gender and governance section) http://www.cld.org http://www.international-community.de/ic0400/frm_int.htm http://www.nomas.org http://www.ifuw.org http://www.geocities.com/worldofgood/goodhome.html http://www.europrofem.org http://www.geocities.com/ark_earthinbalance/wheretruegovt.html http://www.ids.ac.uk/bridge/ http://www.geocities.com/urgentupdate_genderandgovernment/excerpts.html (excerpts from Constitutions of countries and global declarations on gender balance) http://www.michaelmoore.com (best selling male author who advocates equal presence of women in leadership) http://www.oxygen.com http://www.gender-equity.org http://www.wage.org http://womenstrike8m.server101.com/English/intro.htm http://www.geocities.com/globallysistrata/globallysistrata.html http://www.socintwomen.org/QUOTA/QUOTAEng1.html (a partial sample listing of the many world political parties monitoring their own gender balance) http://www.idea.int/gender/index.htm http://www.partnershipway.org and there are many others __________________________________________________ Do you Yahoo!? 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