Celebrating Every Mr. and Mrs. Clause -
Delivering Best Gifts: Gender Balanced True Government, and the
Blessings of Provident Prosperity and Peace

(Please Note: A Set of Links for Further Information is Available at
the End of This Message. This message is being read by millions over
the Internet, at scores of universities, organizations and online
forums linked by email, in over 45 countries and on all continents.)

Even most little children know that Santa Clause is not a bachelor. 
This Season and Year, and Every Season and Year to Come, Look Up
through the mist and You Will Finally See both Midnight and Midday
Clear, a very beautiful Mrs. Clause very clearly sitting next to her
now Agelessly handsome and Egalitarian Mr. Clause. They both are
equally and joyfully together, delivering the Gifts of Promised and
Lasting Providence and Peace, wrapped in the Words and gender balance
Clauses of many countries' reformed Constitutions, and international
commitments, announcements and globally drafted declarations defining
true and wholly human government as gender balanced (as distinguished
from mostly-monogenderment), now daily shared over the Internet and
fax machines of millions of more and more self-esteeming women and
pro-balance men.

After all, the gender balanced governments of Scandinavia were never
very far from the North Pole, and now the gifts of their several
decades of gender achievements in consciousness and government are
being seen and sought in the laws of many countries, and the charters
of global organizations. Definitions of gender balance in government
as a natural, Creator-endowed and inalienable right for citizens of
inherently gendered humanity everywhere, are becoming the best word
on government, via modern non-hierarchical, egalitarian
telecommunications. The Internet, as well as use of fax machines and
telephones is gender balanced, and the Good News of the gender
balance Laws and gender balanced True Government-defining Clauses is
travelling as fast as the mythic sleigh.

And, in the words of the song, the bad ol' boys and their bad ol'
girl enabler wives and dominatrix tokens of gender imbalanced
monogenderment, pseudogovernment and dominant male corporatism,
"better watch out" if they want to receive any credit for these gifts
(instead of public shame amidst world crises and near zero public
confidence in mostly-monogender official politics.) For the new
generations of youthful Mr. and Mrs. Santa Clauses are everywhere
and are "coming to town" - to every capital and respect-worthy
international organization everywhere, via every telecommunications
equipped home, dorm room and office.

Public expectation of gender balance in the world's governments and
corporate boards is now openly matching the progress already achieved
in all other sectors of civil society in so much of the literate
world. The Bad Olds - old male dominated corporate news media and bad
ol' boy politics has been trying hard to hide the Good News for
years, but via the decentralized Internet and fax, the True Word is
getting around in good time for the Holiday Season.

A significant and critically sufficient number of nations, states,
university and student governments, and international organizations
and global political parties, and many internet discussions on good
government, now exhibit balance of gender in office, and seek
reasonable balance of gender roughly similar to that of nature, by
intention.  Many have proudly displayed manifestos, constitutions and
constitutional models, and declarations, made by men and women
citizens of every continent and every land, that contain gender
balance clauses, sometime called "Mr. and Mrs. Clauses" and/or "Mr. 
and Ms. Clauses". And now, in this Season, because these clauses also
right a centuries old spiritual wrong and bring forth promised
provident spiritual and providently natural and prosperous gifts to
the world, some are, tongue inside every girl and boy rosy cheek,
calling them the real "Mr. and Mrs. Santa Clauses". 

These Documents and Clauses set forth observable gender balance in
political candidacy and office as a necessary hallmark, standard and
a defining indicator of true government, true election and fully human
democracy that recognizes the importance of mutual gender respect.

This is contrasted with pseudo-government, manipulative selection,
and dehumanizing gender and other correlated forms of domination and
exclusion, such as racial, caste and ethnic, that are called mere
monogenderments and mostly-monogenderments, and residues of a
low-literacy, information over-centralized, outmoded world past.

Such Clauses and documents usually pinpoint gender balance in
political office as the prerequisite and necessary co-factor,
imbedded in the hard-wiring of nature and human nature, for bringing
forth racial and ethnic, as well as economic, world reconcilitation,
and the blessings of inclusive nature-protective environmental
providence, peace culture and blessed prosperity, as well. 

For example, despite the usual setbacks, the French Gender Parite Law
of 1999 continues to inspire daring progress throughout Europe and
around the world, (even in France!) for Joyeous Noels and Noelles
that will soon maximize on including the Vive le Differene equally in
governmental decision-making. The Gender Parite Clauses will prove
that their co-authors, Professor Sylviane Agacinki Jospin and her
husband, former Prime Minister Lionel Jospin, are indeed, Mr. and
Mrs. Clauses, not just for their country, but for the whole world.
Similarly, so are Sonia Gandhi, in the memory of her husband Rajiv,
for her gender balance sit ins in the Lok Sabha (Indian Parliament)
to support proposed gender balance legislation with the men of India,
such as Mobel prizewinning, womens' work counting economist Amartya
Sen. So are the Nobel prizewinning and prizeworthy couple, Mr. Oscar
and Mrs. Margarita Arias Sanchez of Costa Rica, for their achievements
on the gender balance issues - Costa Rica is one of the most gender
balanced countries of the world currently, and an important cultural
player in the "UN" University and forward-looking culture at the "UN".
Many other such Mr. and Mrs. are doing the same all over the globe.

And most internationally and clearly originating among the well-
informed grass roots of a worldwide internet connected community, the
Universal Declaration of Gender Interdependence for True Government, 
was first published on Easter 2002 and circulated widely on Earth Day
2002, and thus, especially of relevance to the 2002 Christmas and
Earth's Winter Holiday Season. It declares the "at least 75% gender
balanced" standard, in which at least 37.5% of offices and seats are
held by women as well as at least 37.5% of offices and seats are held
by men, as a definitional requisite of non-destructive true
government worthy of worldwide international citizen recognition as
real government, in contrast to dominationment. 

The Universal Declaration describes how dominationment was achieved
in humanity's more primitive, less self-aware past, by a small subset
of the most dominant of one gender, slightly over-endowed with
testosterone, which motivates aggression and hierarchical dominance
of this subset of one gender over both genders, which are then kept,
or unwittingly keep themselves, politically unmutual and divided by a
false hierarchy of cognitive decision-making inequality, which then
drives setting up rigid divisions and rigid hierarchies of race,
ethnicity, caste, income, alienation from Nature, and individualism
at the expense of, and out of balance, with the factors which bind
the whole for optimal and harmonious functioning. Initially a
temporary material (though not spiritual) advantage in primitive
times, the arrangement eventually becomes a world destructive one,
both spiritually and materially, in conditions of large population
and developed technology.

Fully human, gender balanced True government allows for a more
optimal balancing of testosterone related energies of aggression and
individualism with social whole protective energies, related to a
sufficient presence of estrogen and its effects on group functioning.
Again, this is especially important in large populations endowed with
powerful technologies that make cognitive aggression and domination
tendencies have more seriously destructive effects when
insufficiently influenced by the cognitive intelligence of the
nurturing and binding forces. With advanced technologies present, the
imbalance could destroy the earth in several scenarios.

It is now widely discussed and acknowledged with some chagrin, even
among many self-reforming political and corporate decision-making
"scrooges", that mostly-monogender officialdoms, such as the US, UK
and Iraq, have been posing the greatest danger to themselves, each
other, their families, their own populations' freedom and safety and
the earth and environment. Most importantly, until the so-called
"United Nations" and other global organizations successfully achieve
gender balance, they insufficiently impact these dangerous mostly-
monogenderments, and over the long haul, unwittingly perpetuate,
become drawn into, and magnify their effects by failing to articulate
and uphold a worldwide standard of gender balance that could really
mitigate the real and social-anthropological source of the danger,
which has now become fully global.

Many also believe that gender balanced True Governments, such as the
International Parliamentary Union (IPU) Gender Balance Partnership
http://www.ipu.org, as well as national officialdoms such as those at
the top of the ipu website gender balance rankings (see links below)
-- such as Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Costa Rica, and Iceland,
and an even longer list that are very nearly balanced such as
Netherlands, Germany, France (Parite), Argentina, Mozambique, South
Africa, New Zealand, Canada (Senate), India (legislation in progress)
and many others -- as well as many state, (California, and many in
China and India), municipal (all French cities by law and thousands
of others in many countries) and union federations, universities,
colleges and many philanthropic and good government organizations
worldwide, and **especially* the grass roots, in world citizen
political discussion forums of the gender balanced Internet, and
their increased connection and contact with online world citizen
empowerment organizations such as the Global People's Assembly and
many other groups listed below (which are watching the "UN" on
democracy and are becoming more empowered by the gender balanced True
Government concept), are now sustaining the earth, peace itself, and
the hopes for democracy of its naturally gender balanced total
population. until such time as all officialdoms, especially the IPU
and/or "UN" adopts worlwide standards of gender balance that achieve
the viable balance to protect the planet.

(And at this season, certainly it is time to say that nowhere would
world progress on the gender balance model be more helpful than in
suffering Jerusalem and Bethelem, and all the Middle East. Gender
balance in Scandinavian, "UN" and other international diplomacy,
openly discussing gender balance in office in the "UN" and especially
the "Security Council" itself, as a prerequisite to also discussing
it in that region with Jewish, Moslem, Christian and B'Hai women and
their husbands, sons, brothers and fathers, as voting citizens who
deserve more than the errors of global monogenderment, is clearly the
Magic key (this time the "Magi" come in gender balanced pairs!) to
peace and reconciliation of the descendants of Abraham, Hagar and
Sarah's family - David, Jesus, Joseph and Mary's family, as well, and
many women and men in civil society in those regions and of all these
religions worldwide have already said so. It may also safeguard the
whole planet from testosterone-heightened nuclear reactivity in the
region, which is very sensitive to both male dominance hierarchy and
genocidal threat, that might otherwise be precipitated within the
usual gender imbalanced, monogender context).

The upsurge in Internet communication on the world gender balance
issue was necessitated by the failure of television, radio and
newspaper corporate media to carry news and information about gender
balance in representation. Corporate media are currently still
controlled mostly by monied older men of domination but have become
increasingly distrusted by the general public because of their
ommission these and other important news, and their high priced sale
of political public speech in the form of a sound-byte advertisement

The newer, more interactive and less hierarchical technologies of
communication of internet and fax are allowing large numbers of
activists and concerned citizens to share gender balance news that
has been available in several organizations' newsletters and websites
(see below) for years and in some decades, but was not reaching the
general public. 

But now, in recent months, it has been reaching many worldwide by
increasingly apparent greater use of public forums and mass email.
Most activists are now encouraging the use of these new methods
publically and/or privately, with an affirmative sense of
world-saving urgency and bold empowered entitlement to compensate for
centuries of suppression and censorship, still daily occuring in
television, radio and print media.

The irony is that those perpetuating gender domination are
unwittingly lessening and shortening their own quality and longevity
of life. Monogenderment not only threatens world catastrophe, but it
shortens every person's individual life span.  Most informed thinkers
and observers agree that including the wisdom of women along with the
wisdom of men in governmental decisions will result in policies that
assist a science that is more harmonius with nature, reduce the
likelihood of environmental and public health collapse, and will
lower waste and stress in such a way to greatly expand the human
vital and natural life span, allowing humanity to focus on peaceful
exploration of space, as well.  Many believe that mutual gender
respect in decision-making is a necessary aspect of "the universal
fountain of youth", that also affords social health and stability to
allow a young "late adolescent" planet like earth to sustain itself
while becoming mature enough to explore space in peace.

A ranking of officialdoms for the presence of both genders is
available at http://www.ipu.org/wmn-e/classif.htm due to the work of
the IPU, the InterParliamentary Union, a prestigious "partner"
organization to the "UN" which has recently increased its operations
as an observer of the "UN" (Some prefer to call the "UN", the "UUMM" 
- Ununited Unbalanced Mostly-Monogenderment, because of its failure
to reform its own lack of gender balance in offices and

In light of the IPU rankings and database, women and men of the
United States (shameful rank of 58) and England (shameful rank of
47), and the world watching them, have learned that many men and
women in these once leading countries have been lulled into
complacency about gender fairness progress, by being misled by their
misogynist television, radio and newspapers, and assuming progress
made in all other areas, such as gender presence in education,
universities and major professions like medicine, social work and
law, was also reflected in politics. The failure in gender balance
progress is directly related to the backsliding on many aspects
of democracy.

This confusion was also perpetuated by short sighted leadership in
certain women's groups. This leadership had been preoccupied with
national, insular party politics, defensive issues such as defending
abortion rights in male dominated legislatures and courts, and
influenced by political ambition of a very few powerful women who had
prematurely accepted and even abetted the assumptions of
nationalistically focussed, centralized and male dominated,
hierarchical political contexts. These groups had failed to work with
men to articulate balance concepts that mutually protect both genders
from dominationment by the most overaggressive few. But, increased
international and global focus on gender balance, communicated easily
over the Internet and fax, are now beginning to increase rank and
file input, which is beginning to move these groups' spokewomen to
articulate about national in the context of world gender balance, and
mobilize more public support from men on the balance and
representation issues.

More and more activists are globally linking issues such as
reproductive education and choice, family leave, real welfare and
other family-work law, poverty, peace and other issues to definable,
observable, proactive, affirmative, minimally high presence of women
and exploited minorities in office itself, via asserting observable
standards of adequate representation and human ratios in candidate
lists and in legislatures, courts and executive office, as the very
definition of humanity and democracy, or true government that
protects all human rights.

The urgency of the gender balance issue regarding world peace and
environmental and biogenetic protection of nature, including the
issue of eliminating poverty and disease in sustainable ways that
respect nature, is increasingly agreed to by many, probably most, of
the rank and file women and men who actually sustain the troubled,
still officially mostly-monogender so-called "United Nations". There,
the IPU leaders-observer-consultants like Najma Heptulla and Anders
Johnsson, and other leaders of other observer organizations  are now
making more high profile suggestions and consultation, as well
as communicating over the Internet, to achieve world gender balance 
in political office.

The IPU and many other organizations listed below are helping the
world face, without continued and dangerous denial, the gender
imbalance of the so-called "Security Council" and "General Assembly"
and too many of their member countries, which have used political
anachronisms and machinations to avoid reforms and have remained
grossly gender imbalanced to the unnecessary detriment of world peace
and security for too long.

Even most little children know that Santa Clause is not a bachelor.
This Year, and Every Year to Come, Look Up and You Will See a Forever
Young and Beautiful Mrs. Clause sitting next to her Good Empowering
Husband, who is looking younger and younger underneath his curly
beard, like the archetypal universal Mother Earthly Nature and Father
Heavenly Eternal-Time.  Together, they, and the gender balance Santa
Clauses of the world's constitutions and declarations on True
Government, are gently and joyfully delivering the Gifts of Gender
Balance, Providence and Peace. So, in the words of the song,  be
Good, and Think of Your Officialdom/Call it a Government or a Uniting
Organization Only When It Becomes Officially Gender Balanced, for
Goodness Sake!

Listen Carefully...
Ho, Ho, Ho is partnered by a Joyous woman's voice.
"Peace on Earth, Good Will to Humankind"-- 
As Every Good Girl and Good Boy Joyously Sing the
Verses of the Clauses of Gender Balanced True Government
The Long Awaited Chorus of Joy and Harmony!


(at a glance statistics of your/all countries' ranks on gender in office)
(a full explanation of the "at least 75% gender balanced" standard)
(includes a section on how to telecommunicate gender balance information
inexpensively and effectively)
http://wedo.org (see gender and governance section)
(excerpts from Constitutions of countries and global declarations on
gender balance)
(best selling male author who advocates equal presence of women in leadership)
(a partial sample listing of the many world political parties monitoring
their own gender balance) 
(Global People's Assembly, a grass roots observer of the "UN" bringing
all people more directly into world political decision-making)
and there are many others

An archetypal Happy Holidays to all religious traditions...From All
the Mr. and Mrs. Clauses of Women and Men as fully represented
political and spiritual equals, around a World of Growing Democracy
via Gender Balanced True Government, and Peace

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