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Date: Tue, 7 Jan 2003 21:43:17 -0500 (EST)
Subject: EU bans arsenic in wood preservatives

by way of Joe Prager

This news just in: The European Union (EU) just announced its ban on
arsenic in wood preservatives, which would include CCA.  Here is the
article text:
Environmental Daily News ISSUE 1357 - TUESDAY 7 JANUARY 2003

EU bans arsenic in wood preservatives

The European Commission yesterday announced a ban on the use of arsenic in
wood preservatives, except for a restricted number of industrial
applications. The ban, to be in place by 30 June 2004, will also apply to
treated wood. Arsenic is the latest substance to be added to a list
regulated under the EU's 1976 chemicals' marketing and use directive (ED
3564>). The Commission proposed the ban in 2001 after scientists
recommended tougher restrictions on wood preservatives containing arsenic
because of its genotoxic and carcinogenic nature (ED 11/12/01
1217>). See directive text
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