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Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 05:26:09 -0700
From: Teresa Binstock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: US ready to declare GM food war

The WTO-gestapo are relentless:

> US ready to declare GM food war
> By Edward Alden in Washington
> Published: January 10 2003 4:00 [and copy-paste url]
> The top US trade official said yesterday he was ready to launch a World Trade
> Organisation challenge against the European Union over its refusal to lift a
> de facto moratorium on the approval of new genetically-modified crops.
> Robert Zoellick, the US trade representative, said: "I personally am of the
> view that we now need to bring a case." He called the moratorium "a total
> violation of the WTO". A challenge to European restrictions on
> genetically-modified products would be among the most contentious issues yet
> to confront the WTO's dispute settlement process.
> Mr Zoellick's comments come after years of indecision, during which two US
> administrations had weighed carefully whether a WTO case would help to open
> global markets for bio-engineered foods or might instead trigger a broader
> consumer backlash that would hurt American farmers.
> The US now looks likely to end that indecision, primarily because of fears
> that Europe's opposition to bio-engineered foods is spreading to Africa and
> Asia. Several African countries have rejected US food aid shipments containing
> genetically-modified crops, and Mr Zoellick charged that some European
> countries had pressed Africa to reject the US aid.
> He called it "extremely disturbing" that "the European anti-scientific
> policies are spreading to other corners of the world". He said
> genetically-modified crops were critical to help farmers in poor countries
> grow crops under difficult conditions.
> An inter-agency group of senior US officials agreed last month that the US
> should bring a WTO case unless Europe took concrete steps to end the
> moratorium. A decision by the full US cabinet is likely this month.
> The EU has for more than four years maintained an effective moratorium on
> approving new genetically-modified crops, responding to consumer and interest
> group pressures. The European Commission favours ending the moratorium but
> failed to persuade member states late last year.
> The EU is also developing a new system for tracing and labelling
> genetically-modified foods, a scheme that the US argues would permanently
> block the European market for many US foods.
> The US won a similar case in 1997, in which the WTO ordered Europe to lift a
> ban on imports of hormone-treated beef. The EU has so far failed to implement
> the ruling. But Mr Zoellick said that, even though the victory in the beef
> case did not open the European market for US exports, it stopped similar bans
> from spreading to other countries.
> A WTO case is likely to upset US efforts to win European co-operation in other
> areas, however. Mr Zoellick acknowledged yesterday that the Doha Round of
> world trade talks is stalled while the EU determines how much it is prepared
> to liberalise its agricultural sector.
> Pascal Lamy, the EU trade commissioner, said the EU would fight the US if it
> brought a WTO case over genetically-modified crops. "If there were to be
> litigation, of course we would fight it and I believe we would win it."

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