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Pesticide Action Network Updates Service
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Action Alert: U.S. Organic Standards Threatened
February 24, 2003

The new U.S. organic standards, which went into effect in October of
2002, are in serious danger of being weakened. Originally the standards
required organic livestock to be raised on 100% organic feed. Recent
changes will allow the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to certify
meat, chicken and eggs as "organic" even if the animals have been fed on
conventionally produced grain. A last minute amendment to a spending
bill passed by the U.S. Congress on February 13, 2003, would not require
enforcement of the 100% organic feed requirement if the USDA confirms
that organically produced feed costs more than twice as much as
conventional feed. Organic advocates urge U.S. voters to contact their
representatives and urge them to support a repeal of these changes.

The New York Times reports the rule change was added to the massive
spending bill at meeting held behind closed doors with only Republicans
in attendance. The rider was slipped in at the request of Representative
Nathan Deal, a Republican from the state of Georgia, who received
US$4,000 in campaign contributions from employees of a poultry producer
seeking an exemption to feed his chickens a mix of conventional and
organic feed. 

"The language is a threat to the organic label," said spokeswoman Holly
Givens of the Organic Trade Association, which consists of organic
suppliers and sellers. "And the fact that it was done in an underhanded
way should not be allowed to stand as a precedent for other people to

When the changes were made public, Senator Patrick Leahy, (D-VT) one of
the authors of the 1990 "Organic Foods Production Act," announced that
he would introduce a bill to reverse the change after Congress
re-convenes February 24, 2003. Leahy asserts, "Getting the organic
standards that are behind the ‘USDA Organic’ label right was a long and
difficult process, but critically important to the future of the
industry. Along the way, some tried to allow products treated with sewer
sludge, irradiation, and antibiotics to be labeled ‘organic.’ The public
outcry against this was overwhelming. More than 325,000 people weighed
in during the comment period. The groundswell of support for strong
standards clearly showed that the public wants "organic" to really mean
something. Those efforts to hijack the term were defeated, and this one
should be too." 

In the days since the changes were slipped through Congress, major food
firms with organic products such as General Mills and Tyson’s Foods have
denounced the rollback in the standards, but officials at USDA attending
the closed-door session remained neutral. "This department did not take
a position on this" said Alisa Harrison, spokeswoman for Agriculture
Secretary Ann Veneman. "The department is ready to enforce the clause.
We have to meet the will of Congress, so we will add a price component
to a study that we began last year on the availability of organic feed." 

"I think this jeopardizes the whole organic industry in the Unites
States," Representative Sam Farr (D-CA) said of the provision. Senator
Leahy and Representative Farr are drafting legislation to repeal the
changes that will need a wide number of sponsors in both the Senate and
House in order to pass. 

The National Campaign For Sustainable Agriculture and the Organic Trade
Association Organic are asking people to urge their legislators to sign
on to a repeal of Section 771 of the Omnibus Appropriations Bill. 

Contact your legislators through a direct link at the Organic Trade
Association website at http://www.ota.com.


Weakening of Organic Standard Is Considered, New York Times, Feb. 14,
2003, http://www.nytimes.com/2003/02/14/politics/14ORGA.html. 

National Campaign For Sustainable Agriculture press release, February
14, 2003, http://www.sustainableagriculture.net/organicRelease.php. 

Agri-Business Examiner, and Associated Press, Even Bush Administration
and Producers Back Away from Organic Standards Bill Change While USDA
Remains "Neutral," Issue 223, February 22, 2003.


National Campaign For Sustainable Agriculture, P.O. Box 396, Pine Bush,
New York 12566; phone (845) 744-8448; fax (845) 744-8477;
http://www.SustainableAgriculture.net, email

Organic Trade Association, http://www.ota.com.

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